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Everything posted by firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

  1. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 145 - Vampire Academy (w/ Michael Showalter, Aisling Bea)

    if they eat they poop
  2. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 145 - Vampire Academy (w/ Michael Showalter, Aisling Bea)

    i sent this tweet after watching this movie because its so stupid ... it was more of a reaction to it's awfulness really ... that was a few days ago but today this happened .. i don't know if it's a bot or a real person but it just makes me hate the movie more
  3. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 145 - Vampire Academy (w/ Michael Showalter, Aisling Bea)

    and finally (sorry for the multiple posts) i cant express how cool it is to hear an irish accent on how did this get made that isnt this guy. i really enjoy Aisling's sense of humor so i really enjoy this episode. An-mhaith Aisling Ó Súilleabháin, bualadh bos agus an bhfuil cead agam go dti an leithreas whenever i see she's in LA i suggest (beg) on twitter that paul has aisling on as a guest so i cant believe its happened. next time i see david o'doherty is over there i'm gonna big him up .. fingers crossed. edit: oh and maeve higgins people of new york .. go see maeve ... her mind is beautifully weird and hilarious ive been asking even longer for HDTGM to come over to Ireland cause there's no way im ever going to get to travel to see a live show. maybe squarespace could host a podcast festival in their dublin offices sometime ... get on it squarespace
  4. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 145 - Vampire Academy (w/ Michael Showalter, Aisling Bea)

    couple of things: it was shot in Pinewood studios in England and the movie with the drinking blood from rats was interview with a vampire ... is that still a good watch? only saw it once around the time it came out so .. maybe i'll watch it this month ... it's october so it's time to start the horrors me thinks. i've been stocking up. recently bought some in the hope we get another halloween episode this year ... i got ghost ship, 13 ghosts, supernova and, after a previous discussion on here, queen of the damned ... vlad help me
  5. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 145 - Vampire Academy (w/ Michael Showalter, Aisling Bea)

    i lost so much interest in this movie that i spent most of it, like the gang did, just saying "oh, thats like twilight .. and thats like harry pottter" or "hey, he looks like that guy and she looks like that girl form that other thing" 2 stand outs for me ...
  6. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 145 - Vampire Academy (w/ Michael Showalter, Aisling Bea)

    i havent seen it in years so i cant really remember anything about pretty in pink but when i heard "Duckie" i thought it was a shout out to Lea Thompson calling Howard "ducky" in Howard the duck
  7. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 145 - Vampire Academy (w/ Michael Showalter, Aisling Bea)

    just watched this pile of stinking garbage .. this could be a contender for the worst movie ive ever seen .. i completely lost interest in any of it ... i was kinda hoping EDI would come down and just close the academy down permanently ... and it's this kinda movie that causes things like this to happen ... ... her mother shagged a duck!!!! ... gonna leave the podcast till tomorrow ... i'm exhausted
  8. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 145 - Vampire Academy (w/ Michael Showalter, Aisling Bea)

    and as i'm doing nothing today ...
  9. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 145 - Vampire Academy (w/ Michael Showalter, Aisling Bea)

    Aisling Bea!!!!!!!!!! speak and you shall be heard.... gotta love twitter ... haven't had time to watch this movie yet but i've just been given the giddy up to ...
  10. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144.5 - Minisode 144.5

    now this is how you make a site with squarespace ... ok, it was made by squarespace so it's abit more advanced than the regular sites but its still amazing. you just gotta love the malkovich and lynch http://www.playinglynch.com
  11. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    MY WIFE!!! i'll see myself out
  12. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    "Twins" Starring Joe Manganiello and Jason Mantzoukas

    i made one of those for the sharknado 3 ep. paul and jason wearing matching outfits ... so cute
  13. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    the explosions in this movie were the best thing about it. i even liked the stupid refulling one, the donut of fire in the air, it was impressively nuts ... and then there was alaska ...
  14. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    i don't know if you guys follow june and paul on instagram, and i hope this isnt inappropriate, but june announced today that she lost her dad during the week. i just thought i'd take a moment to send my best wishes to june, paul and all their family. i loved the moments on the podcast when june would share stories about her dad. they were always funny and always full of love. i love junes view of the world and hearing june talk about her dad i could see he was a major influence on that view. so this is just me sending my sympathies to their family and to let them know they are in my thoughts today.
  15. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    Forgot Star Wars .. "I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters"
  16. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    Foxx also said 1 was a lucky prime number (i think it was when he was chasing EDI on his own) .... but heres the thing, its not even a prime number. According to the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic 1 cant be a prime number because its factors are not unique (1 x 1). The primes start at 2. I, i think like most other people, went through school being told 1 was a prime number so i have to correct myself from time to time.
  17. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    thats the one ive been saving for 1981 .. i dont know though .. is it a bit too crazy?. would be handy though, it's on youtube.
  18. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    watching stealth i kept going ... thats in this movie .. and thats in this ... here's a list of some of them - Top Gun - Behind Enemy Lines - Flight of the Navigator - Hots Shots (1 & 2) .. i know thats a mickey take of the likes of top gun but some of this just made me laugh abit - Team America - And of course
  19. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

  20. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    twitter's been pointing this out aswell
  21. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    i was abit confused as to why they would take a holiday half way thru the movie too ...my guess it was the marketing guys way of getting jess in a bikini and for josh to take his shirt off. it was either a trip to a waterfall in Thailand or a game of volley ball on a beach somewhere. but i think thats been done .. just can't remember where???
  22. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    you didnt miss much .. i only saw it by accident, but yeah, they were definitely planning a sequel
  23. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    yeah i suppose it depends on how you look at it. the 3 main characters were shown a couple of times refusing to attack because there would have been massive civilian casualties. and the two characters that caused all the problems, the captain and the AI plane, ended up dead at the end. (or did they ... post credit scene was clearly indicating they were planning a sequel). there was also alot of "hey ... look what we can do" kinda stuff in it without any real questioning of military actions around the world .. but the world was different back then even it was only 11 years ago. i think its as soon as film makers start asking questions that they run into trouble. but again ... probably a discussion for another place ...
  24. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    and on the back cover of the dvd (yeah, i'm really getting my 25 cents worth out of this dvd) it listed the dvd extras ... usually it lists a directors commentary or a making of featurette or if its an old or a crappy movie you might just get interactive menus listed as an extra but on this it just had 2... both music related .. an incubus video and a "music of stealth" featurette. so after it, cough, bombed (see what i did there???) at the box office they really thought the music would sell this movie to the dvd audience ... but after sitting through 2 hours of it already i couldn't bring myself to watch them so i can't tell you if they are worth a view