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Everything posted by firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

  1. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Next (2007)

    I love Nic Cage movies but please ... do not watch this movie ... wow its bad .. and not good bad or enjoyable bad ... just bad.
  2. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Jack Reacher (2012)

    id love to hear tim heidecker and gregg turkington come on as the oncinema tim and gregg and battle it out over this one. oncinema tim is a massive cruise fan but then PFT's werner could make it one of the classic eps ... love when he's on DLM
  3. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 115 — Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!

    its true guys .. if we dont all rewatch the dictator again jason may very well disappear completely from it ..
  4. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 115 — Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!

    yeah, they covered pretty much everything they could in the ep so i would imagine this thread is going to go off in all kinds of directions soon .. this did pop into my head when i saw the pic
  5. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    just on CNN
  6. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 115 — Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!

    one of the cameos in the shuttle was the mohawk guy from nasa who got famous after the curiosity landing. i thought he might have had a screengrab or something on his twitter page, he didnt, but when i looked i found this little nugget:
  7. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 115 — Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!

    thats a good catch .. to be honest, i pay so little attention to these movies that i only got the Fin Shepard (shepherd) pun about half way thru this one .. no doubt the gang pointed this out in one of the previous eps.
  8. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 114.5 — Minisode 114.5

    listening to the latest mini ep of DLM ... it turns out this movie doesn't count towards the DLMChallenge .... SHAZBOT
  9. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 114.5 — Minisode 114.5

    for most of it i was just watching it to cover it for the episode but the last 5 minutes had me saying "what???" and laughing hard (dont want to post spoilers here for those waiting to watch it) ... also, seeing how old some of the tv stars of my day look now has me feeling old
  10. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    The Most Watchable How Did This Get Made Movies?

    and a few of the others .. crossroads, safe haven, glitter .. tyler perry's: temptation: confessions of a marriage councillor? i struggled to get thru them but i enjoyed watching the rest on the list but i suppose it all depends on what tickles your fancy i love the fast and furious films, any of the sly stallone or nic cage ones, the cranks, PWZ or the really stupid ones like gymkata or monkey shines. but sleepway camp was the one i was probably most engaged with. i knew nothing about it and honestly couldnt believe nor figure out what the hell i was watching the whole way thru .. and then the episode was one of the best too. that film will stay with me forever
  11. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Fan Art (or filling time by playing around on photoshop)

  12. I've been working on this for a stupid amount of time and some of them didn't really work (some worked way too good) but here, using the movies posters, is how I think it would look like if Nic Cage was in every movie covered by HDTGM (its probably best not to watch this on a phone, i found it hard to see some of it) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o73G4R76av8&feature=youtu.be I put the posters up on a page if you are interested note: sorry about the music, I needed free to use stuff. if it hurts your brain just mute it. (I'm sick of listening to it at this stage)
  13. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Fan Art (or filling time by playing around on photoshop)

    who'd win in a fight ... paul or vin?
  14. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    So what would it look like it Nicolas Cage WAS in every HDTGM movie? Well.....

    sshhhh .... we dont mention the blue ones
  15. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    SAN DIEGO SHOW! more info?

    this was on the FB page.
  16. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 114.5 — Minisode 114.5

    sorry for the double post but alot of work went into this. think ill give the photoshop a break for a while .. mouse pad sounds abit rough
  17. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 114.5 — Minisode 114.5

    i dont think tom selleck would intentional steal water ... i bet lois malfunctioned and she got stuck in pasta boiling mode and he couldnt turn her off because you know .. insurance
  18. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Fan Art (or filling time by playing around on photoshop)

    batzoukas looks amazing
  19. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 114.5 — Minisode 114.5

    some recent episodes have featured the great irish actors colm meaney and brendan gleeson .. in sharknado 3 you guys are going to be introduced to the grimes twins, john and edward ... better known as JEDWARD. I am so so so so so so so ...... sorry. Blame tara reid
  20. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 114.5 — Minisode 114.5

    this is from the video i made to help in answering the nic cage question:
  21. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Fan Art (or filling time by playing around on photoshop)

    as the great vin diesel kinda said ...
  22. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    i never read any of the comics growing up (but i loved the batman animated series) so i am probably way off here but id reckon once all the back stories are developed the squad will be set on the joker and harley will have to make a decision whether to betray them or not. i also think the joker is gona turn up at the end of batman vs superman (a common enemy kinda thing) and this film will take place either parallel or just after. i think she looks great. they all do. really looking forward to it. i loved the reference to superman at the start and the little glimpse of batman .. next year is gona be a biggie ... really like the darkness of the DC universe.... id love a proper R rated film with the Joker in it ..
  23. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    i think adam pally learned his asian accent from the sushi robot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y-8zbQU7f8
  24. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 114 — Runaway

    maybe chris pratt is playing a grown up version of this kid in Jurassic world and thats why everyone thinks he is qualified to handle dinosaurs .. sure his dad was a robot wrangler .. makes more sense than the stupid version in JW
  25. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Jurassic World (2015)

    just watched Andrew Galdi and HDTGM's own Avaryl Halley Movie Bitches review. funny stuff