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Everything posted by firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

  1. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Jurassic World (2015)

    its just as bad in ireland to be fair. and usually i dont mind some product placement (it helps pay the bills) and i normally laugh at stupid product placement but this film just got my goat. let me give you an example, all this happened in about 5 mins near the start of this film: BDH is in the hall on her samsung phone. she sees her nephews, goes over to them with her phone still in view. she then talks to her nephews and use the phone to point to a meeting spot or something for them to meet at later. Next we see her walk into the control room with a starbucks cup in her hand. she talks to the people in the room and uses the cup to point at screens. then they have a conversation about how the new attraction is going to be called the "verizon such and such pavilion" or something and another character rolls his eyes and says "uh, why didnt they just call it the pepsi pavilion" Then BDH has to drive to see CP so she jumps in her brand spanking new Merc and on the way thru the forest she phones her sister, who just also happens to have a samsung phone. Next we see her arrive at the trailer where CP lives and as she gets out of the spotless Merc (still holding the phone) the camera swoops around the car to make sure we all see how lovely it is. we then see CP sitting next to his beautiful Triumph motor cycle and he takes a gulp out of his old style coca-cola bottle like he is one of the people in those awful ads. She then walks over to him and they have a flirtatious conversation .. all the while the car is still in shot and she is still holding the phone in view like i said, thats all in about 5 minutes ... i just found it very distracting
  2. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Jurassic World (2015)

    this movie has the most invasive product placement ive seen since mac and me. the amount of time BDH used her phone (even getting chased by the dinosaur as she is driving a truck flat out), the samsung sponsored attraction full of tv's, the mercedes parked in every scene as if at the end of a car commercial, name dropping verizon, pepsi etc. it really did feel like Howard was just used as a product placement device. and Pratt drinking out of the old style coke bottle, it annoyed me so much i ended up turning off ... the first hour was just a massive advert. im surprised they didnt call the new dinosaur Samsungosaurus in saying all that, once the action got going i enjoyed it. note: thank you for allowing me to rant. i said this to my sister as we left the cinema and she didnt know what i was talking about. although she did say she saw some jewellery brand somewhere ....
  3. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Leprechaun Origins

    a leprechaun prequel .. looks like they spent a bit of money on it but got rid of the humor, i think they have missed the point of the whole thing and i think warwick davis is out and the wwe have put in Hornswoggle.
  4. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 112.5 — Minisode 112.5

  5. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 112.5 — Minisode 112.5

    its on netflx uk/ireland. watched it last month. its really worth a watch. its really detailed and is def a must see for anyone who grew up during that madness
  6. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 112.5 — Minisode 112.5

    holy s#/tballs batman, i just watched the walking new york video on vrse using the cardboard .. amazing ...
  7. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 112.5 — Minisode 112.5

    i got the google cardboard but the magnet controller wont work with my HTC. tried it a few times for movies though and it works pretty good. make it feel like you are watching on a massive screen. new version will hopefully work better.
  8. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Sharknado 3

    are we going to get another episode out of this series?
  9. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 112 — Jupiter Ascending

    just a quick update ... if you have watched all the movies and listened to all the episodes and mini episodes it has taken you over 14 full days to do so https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fNUxhVbJf9FOIHnE1yorJj383JS51T0cjF6XsaE8tA4/edit#gid=0 not a bad way to spend 2 weeks of your life
  10. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111.5 — Minisode 111.5

    Jupiter Ascending ... I did not see that one coming. Its the first 2015 film and its a doozy. i have not heard a single good word about this one note: its not on VOD in Europe till the 29th June
  11. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    so, are we expecting turtles 2 next week or will it be fast 7? anyone know where in the world adams been lately?
  12. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Kung Fury

    lives upto the hype ... love it. reminds me alot of garth marenghi's darkplace
  13. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    i really dont think ill ever be able to hear someone say Hercules again without hearing Arnolds pronunciation of it .. even reading this i can hear his voice in my head .. i ham 'erculeese
  14. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    Fan Art (or filling time by playing around on photoshop)

    i actually made a small poster of it on one of those online printing places. just waiting for delivery. heres a link to the large image if you want it http://oi59.tinypic.com/2heg2vs.jpg
  15. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    You could pretty much put the benny hill theme over any part of this movie and it would work but this seemed liked most fun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c21XIfLHM0Y&feature=youtu.be note: not sure if it will play everywhere or if youtube will allow it to stay up for long due to copyright but its worth a go
  16. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    did you ever wonder what Arnold Schwarzenegger would look like standing next to Nelson de la Rosa? Well..... Arnold: 188cm tall Nelson: 71cm tall
  17. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    just a couple of things i want to know about Arnolds voice: 1. At what point in the process of making this movie did they decide they needed a voiceover? did they know it at the casting stage or did it only dawn on them later on set? (probably as soon as he opened his mouth for the first time) 2. Hercs dad had a traditional British Thespian accent, the guy they got to do the dubbing had a British Thespian accent .. was Hercules supposed to have a British accent? please tell me there is a clip out the somewhere with a young Arnold trying to do a British accent. or was he trying the whole way thru?
  18. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    sweet jesus .. they made another one anything arnold can lou can do ....also
  19. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    and one last post from me (sorry about all the pics but this really is one of those films that need as many visual aids as possible because it is so unbelivable) there is little shout out to a previous episode (Easy Rider 2). Found this on http://www.filmsinfi...es-in-new-york/ easy rider came out in 1969 too i think paint your wagon is in screen 2
  20. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    arnie is the second HDTGM star to travel around new york via horse earlier in his career
  21. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    facebook - https://www.facebook.com/HDTGM twitter - https://twitter.com/hdtgm paul usually gives details in the minis too
  22. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    not the best video but ... just before Deborah Loomis faints because Hercules is fighting the bear she is clearly given a direction by someone beside the camera. just watch her eyes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_64w1n9_VO8&feature=youtu.be this plus hearing someone yelling at her to scream and Arnold messing his lines up the whole carriage ride makes me think they just did one take at each camera set up and then moved on. it wouldn't surprise me if most of the movie was made like that. the editing was weird and the sound levels were all over the place throughout
  23. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    this moment kinda made me think of the life of brian
  24. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    1981 and 2005

    i am very open to correction here but looking at the years of release for the films covered from 1980 - 2015, there are only two years left to be represented, 1981 and 2005. does anyone have any recomendation for movies from these years? after just a quick google heres a few: 1981 ringo starr is the ... caveman wtf?? ..... heavy metal and for jason... tarzan the ape man 2005 theres alot to choose from this year: aeon flux elektra doom house of wax dirty love bewitched
  25. firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

    EPISODE 111 — Hercules in New York: LIVE!

    paul was really pumped for this episode