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Posts posted by firsttimecallerlongtimelistenr

  1. Wait, weren't they doing a Friday the 13th at a live show? If that was already recorded why wasn't that one posted on Friday the 13th??? C'mon y'all!!!

    they did jason x the same night as this. i watched the original friday the 13th last night. it's still alot of fun. and that bit where that thing happens (trying not to spoil anything) still gets me.

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  2. I have to admit I don't know what firsttimecaller is talking about with Sylvia Hoeks though. She only had one scene that left any real impression on me and it was a plot moment not necessarily her. I don't think she was bad by any means but the person who really blew me away was Ana De Armas.

    I thought Hoeks nailed the

    antagonist role. She was kick ass.

    There was something about the physicality of her performance ... I thought she was brilliant. The control she has over her expressions is incredible.



    Luv reminded me alot of Robert Patrick's T-1000. She was relentless. I really enjoy those kind of characters. Kinda like Statham in Fast 7. And the scene I was referring to involved Robin Wright. She was frightening in that .. I won't say anymore



    De Armas' performance was very good but the Joi character was ... hmmm ...

    There are a few who have criticized the movie as sexist, with most of the complaints about Joi. Maybe some of them have a point (a certain scene has definitely divided opinions) but when you look around at some of the stuff available today ... she might actually be one of the few things to become a reality from this science fiction world. She's basically a more advanced version of Lars' real girl ... But again, De Armas was very good. Actually, looking back, I think the female characters/performances where the best part about this movie



    And i just got a massive sense of deja vu ... that's weird ...




    i hate that

  3. i usually watch the movie of the week on a saturday night but this week i didn't have time. but i did finally watch grease 2 on sunday and to be honest ... i had fun watching it. and june's enthusiasm for it made me smile all day after listening to the episode. so i've been putting off watching virtuosity all week, mainly because i knew i'd have time today to watch a movie ... but i went to blade runner 2049 instead and i think it might have been one of the best decisions i've ever made. i f**king loved it. it's amazing. why has it bombed at the box office??? if people don't go to see this and it loses as much money as looks likely then every other sci-fi movie in the works is going to be shelved and that would make me cry .. it's worth seeing just for Sylvia Hoeks alone. she blew me away. there's one moment and she ... no. i wont even hint at it. if you like sci-fi and you have some spare cash and time. then spoil yourself. i don't think we'll see one like it for a long time.... think i might put virtuosity off for a few days ...

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  4. i loved it. and hated it. i was angered by some of it and was in awe of other parts. it's a crazy movie that is worth watching on the big screen because it adds to the weight of it. it made me feel like crouching down sometimes (i won't say when or why for fear of spoiling it). i'm not sure if it will work on a tv though so if you are planning on watching it and want to get the full effect i'd recommend going to see it at a cinema.


    it's the first time in a long time that i felt like i had experienced something at the cinema as opposed to just seeing a movie. good or bad? i still don't know. but it's got people talking that's for sure.

  5. re: Ninjas dressed in white


    I'm sure the guy who called in knows what he's talking about, and I admit this is sort of the same thing, but I thought he was wearing white for the same reason that Moon Knight does:




    It's not fair, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was kind of disappointed in Jason for not making that connection.

    and clearly the guy from ninja terminator didn't get the memo




    he doesn't seem to care though

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  6. i'm just going to dump all of this in one post:


    is jim's death scene not in the version released by drafthouse? i watched the version on youtube and it's in that and it's the best scene in the whole movie ..."piss jim .. piss .. dont die jim ... piss" .. and when the plane flies over head .. "oh no, jim's father" ... it's amazing. and in the version on youtube the hospital scene is after the credits so if you turned it off as they started you'd miss the fact that jim didn't actually die .. even though we just saw him die a slow, agonizing death ... it was perfect ... i love this movie!!!


    i've never laughed so hard at a death scene (and that's saying alot after meet joe black) or at a character talking about being an orphan


    i've seen lots of movies where groups of dudes go around knocking mail boxes over but i've never seen a movie where they erect one .. very badly. a gust of wind would blow it over.


    and you gotta watch the doc on vice ... Y. K. Kim is basically a cult leader/guru now and the moment when Oats is given an update on Kim after plays his new song about Tae Kwon Do is as painful as watching david brent dancing


    and i found this when i was looking for clips .. even kermit loves this movie



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  7. OK, so according to the ever-reliable Wikipedia, "Miami Connection" was screened at the CANNES FILM FESTIVAL?

    Can this be true? Because if so, my mind is blown and whoever pulled that off deserves a feckin medal

    i wouldn't take to much mind of what anything it says on wikipedia ... they think this guys name is Stellan Skarsgård!!!



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    This is what I mean when a movie needs to be made with sincerity. In terms of quality, it would be so easy to lump this together with Ninja Terminator or Hard Ticket, but because it is made with innocence instead of cynicism, it transcends from being merely a crappy movie and becomes something more.

    just finished the vice documentary on it. well worth a watch if you haven't seen it yet. it's on youtube


    i can't wait for this episode ... there's so much to talk about

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