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dignified and old

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Posts posted by dignified and old

  1. Bumping this up because I do really want to see this done on the show or, failing that, at least convince other people to watch this insane mess


    Always the sign of a great movie: the director claims that Sharon Stone and William Baldwin (who bear in mind play people who become romantically involved and have a bunch of weird creepy sex scenes together) hated each other so much that they demanded their scenes be shot separately whenever possible.


    The movie was supposed to open with a shot of an active volcano; the volcano erupted while the crew was filming it and their helicopter crashed (fortunately no one was killed). The footage ended up not being used at all which makes sense because what the hell does a volcano have to do with any of this?


    Sharon Stone's character has a friend at work who is like some kind of combination parody and anticipation of Sex and the City; she asks Sharon Stone how her weekend was by saying "Were you having multiple orgasms?" and at another point asks "Isn't Pearl Jam some kind of Oriental sex thing?"

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  2. The book is by Ira Levin, who wrote the books Rosemary's Baby, The Stepford Wives, and The Boys From Brazil, so if it's anything like those I'd guess it's kinda trashy but in a good way and better written than might be expected.


    And I can't lie I kinda love that UB40 song too. It's mostly just nostalgia because it came out when I was a kid but either way yeah I listen to it when it comes on.

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  3. The sign of a great movie: "Because of a major battle with the MPAA (which originally gave the film an NC-17 rating), the filmmakers were forced to make extensive reshoots before release. These reshoots actually necessitated changing the killer's identity."

  4. I think I could listen to a whole podcast just with James Adomian doing this one guy, doling out "advice" for all the guys out there


    Well, there is always the actual Tom Leykis show, which from the handful of clips I've heard (and my perusal of Leykis 101... seriously scroll down to the hot sauce tip) is disturbingly similar to Adomian's impression.
