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Posts posted by NotTheNarnold

  1. As for other podcasts I listen to that I enjoy, the list has gotten smaller and smaller each year. Here's a list of shows I listen to weekly no matter what


    Paranoia Shoppe

    Comedy Bang Bang

    If I Were You

    Jordan Jesse Go!

    Judge John Hodgman

    Who/Two Charted (Except for the Steve-O ep)

    Improv 4 Humans

    How Did This Get Made?

    Doug Loves Movies

    James Bonding


    Some others I listen to depending are

    The Indoor Kids (sometimes they get a little too preachy about political correctness shit and seem to be unbiased a lot now)

    You Made it Weird (Depending on the guest, you can only hear Pete say the same stuff so many times)

    Dining With Doug and Karen


    I might think of more later if that's not enough

    • Like 4

  2. Guys I've been sick with the flu for the past 5 days and its been really hard. I went to the doctor and he told me not only do I have a bad case of loving you, but that laughter is the best medicine. I was like well, thanks doc but I can't get laughter til Tuesday when my second favorite podcast (next to Gelmania of course) comes out. So basically doctors are frauds and if you're sick just listen to Hayes and Sean.

    • Like 2

  3. "Trollerblade", in which internet trolls are ACTUAL SCARY TROLLS and funny forum commenters must make funny internet comments and post them in a race against time to save Christmas and beat-up and destroy the trolls. They post from inside a roller rink where they were hanging out together.


    I want to see The Narnold play the roller dad, greggy be the edgy abused kid, and Chanson be the chubby comic relief kid. All other parts are open.

    I'm way chubbier than Chanson! But I'm cool being an awesome dad, who's my wife or is she dead/divorced?

    • Like 2

  4. Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting lately. I got this new job that I shouldn't really tell you about but since you guys (or some of you guys) are like family I guess I can share. The Denver Horses hired me as Patton Mann's personal Quarterbacking coach. Its been intense we've been wearing helmets and putting our feet into these things that are like tiny pools but the water is hot. (See attached Picture) ku-xlarge.jpg


    I'm to the right but we're factiming as to not break eye contact as per his request.


    Also did you guys know there's this weird green stuff you can buy in Denver that if you smoke it you feel good? I think its new or something, why has this not caught on elsewhere? Though it has made me not remember how to log into my Earwolf account.




    Now here's some questions I have for Ser (I spell it that way cause of George RR Martin, so I'm cool!) Andrew Daly the fifth


    Why is it that TV is mostly sitcoms now a days? Why are there no shows that show real life in a real way?


    Out of all the forum members, who's your favorite?


    Why are all Candy Canes made in Mexico?


    Are Sean and Hayes secretly the same person but like that Fighting Group movie?

    • Like 4

  5. Not the Narnold.


    I am just now realizing you are from Pittsburgh. I assume you're a huge sport head like myself. I'm at the sports all the time, you name it i'm playin' it, accept cricket because all things british are totally boring including their comedies.


    But, our two cities have a big football rivalry. Speak on that?


    You assumed right kinda, I do enjoy watching sports as an unathletic overweight white nerd I don't play, though I played football in middleschool all those years ago. Baseball is my favorite sport though, I'm a huge Pirate fan and was so happy to see them make the playoffs since the last time was when I was 3.


    I like football but I'm not really annoying about it, unless I'm talking to my friend Ashley who lives in Baltimore.


    Now I don't really care about hockey, I'll watch it every once in a while but not crazy about it.


    Basketball I don't really have a team but cheer for the underdogs and the TWolves cause I love Rubio.


    Nascar, sucks I hate all racing.


    Now my hipster moment, I really love watching UEFA Champions League. Its fun, especially the fact they only play commercials during the halftime.

  6. Sorry I haven't been posting guys, since I read about Hayes I've been in a deep depression. Like I haven't even gotten out of bed, this was the saddest I've been... at least since I heard Gelmania was canceled.


    Also about last week, guys I need a cool nickname, I mean my name is Nick but that doesn't count. Someone who doesn't hate me! (I'm looking at you Chanson!!!!) come up with one.

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  7. First off I'd like to say Gelmania number 1.


    Secondly, Hayes you're going down.


    Third, my geek rant is gonna be "epic", remember when that word was cool, well I'm using it ironically. I better stop before I get banned again.


    Fourth, the episode was waaaayyyyyy to long, cut it down. We all know that 5 minute podcasts are the new orange is the new black is the new hotness.


    Fifth, I think for the nondenominational holiday season, you guys should get us all the episode of Hayes on Jeopardy!





    PS: Totally off topic and unimportant this was my favorite episode of Hollywood Handbook yet, I was dying.

    • Like 3

  8. Please ask her one of my very in depth questions this week.


    Emily what was is like growing up with my favorite podcaster Elizabeth Laime (who follows me on Twitter unlike two knuckleheads that host another wolf cast)


    Jimmy Ham taught you acting, how was that? Did all the girls in the class swoon over him?


    Why don't Hayes and Sean follow me on twitter?

    • Like 2

  9. Dear Valerie Bryant,


    Save it for your therapist.





    PS - personal attacks are the only way I know to demonstrate camaraderie and affection.


    I hate to see my two favorite people on this board fighting!!! Stop it you guys. Also Chanson watch out cause VB's totally real and not made up at all boyfriend will kick your ass!


    Love you two! Also love you Chanson and VB.

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