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About EnriqueQuevedo

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  1. EnriqueQuevedo


    Sorry last conment i swear, same scene, Gabon's character is in a crazy regressive state asking his dad for advice and constantly calling him "Daddy" like a little boy. Wow.
  2. EnriqueQuevedo


    I wanted to make one more comment about the scene i previously mentioned and how nuts it is. First Michael Gabon's characters tells his dad how his men in Vietnam tried to "frag" him (effectively trying to kill him) and that the military was done with him, meaning that even the military couldnt stand his character. And finally, Gabon's character and his brother the factory owner who dies are both pretty freakin old, are we to believe their dad is actually still alive even tho he appears to be roughly almost the same age, and also, the father didnt attend the funeral in the beginning, wtf?!?!
  3. EnriqueQuevedo


    Correction and omission to your guys' comment about Michael Gabon's character being an American general who's British. When Gabon's character, in the beginning of the film, goes to see his father he actually comments on the fact that he's an American general with a British accent and (while at the same time complaining to him) explains to us the audience at the same time that it wasn't his fault he lived in England during his formative years and that he even tried to learn from a dialect coach how to speak with an American accent and then proceeds to do the most horrific American accent impression when simultaneously explaining to his dad that that's the best he could when speaking to his men despite the dialect coaching.