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Everything posted by BonkersBananas

  1. BonkersBananas

    Episode 76.5 — Minisode 76.5

    The montage of them timing the heist with "Swinging on a star".... one of my favorite memories of this movie.
  2. BonkersBananas

    Character Drawings

    He really did capture Blackie's 18 (formerly 20) charisma quite well.
  3. BonkersBananas

    Episode 0 — How Did This Get Made?!

    Cool story, Hansel.
  4. BonkersBananas

    Questions for Sark

    I'm playing GTA:Online with the latest Beach Bum expansion and keep finding myself doing Sark Willis impressions.
  5. BonkersBananas

    Character Drawings

    Sark channeling his inner Doge.
  6. BonkersBananas

    Captain Ron (1992)

    "If we get lost, we'll just pull over somewhere.... and ask for directions!"
  7. BonkersBananas

    Episode 51 — Star Chart

    Brian's sulking is hilarious.
  8. BonkersBananas

    Episode 51 — Star Chart

    I certainly hope that all of Glenishmore were as determined to defend their homeland as Sir Richard. (thieving background or not)
  9. BonkersBananas

    Episode 46 — The New Guy

    While saddened by the death of Amarth, the banter at the beggining of this episode made me so damn happy. I've binged through all the episodes after about a month. I'm gonna be sad when I can't listen to the episodes back to back like I have been and have to wait a week for each new one.
  10. BonkersBananas

    Dungeons & Dragons (2000)

    My background in table top role playing certainly helps in my appeal to the Nerd Poker podcast, the BP&F crew are just great to listen in on their interactions with one another, reminds me of my own groups I used to meet with. I actually find Blain much more entertaining in his performances in this podcast than his professional performances. He's much more relaxed and is just trying to have his own kind of fun.
  11. BonkersBananas

    NEW Nerd Poker Dice Bags!

    It's big enough to hold your standard 1 D12 1 D8 3D6, 2 D10, 1 D4, and 1 D20 though.
  12. BonkersBananas

    Dungeons & Dragons (2000)

    Already been mentioned but bring back Brian Posehn on this.
  13. BonkersBananas

    Dungeons & Dragons, Editions & You

  14. BonkersBananas

    Dungeons & Dragons, Editions & You

    2nd edition is quite fun once you get the concept of how everything is pretty much backwards from 3.0+.
  15. BonkersBananas

    Dungeons & Dragons, Editions & You

    Babu, that crazy Ocelot, I'll follow him anywhere. Does it stink of piss in here?
  16. BonkersBananas

    Submit your HDTGM T-Shirt Designs HERE!

    Harrison's shirt may have usurped the Zouk head quotes.... God Bless deadline extensions.
  17. BonkersBananas

    Dungeons & Dragons, Editions & You

    2nd edition, skills and powers. Stopped playing for about 4 years, came back to 3, then stopped again for awhile and was in a Pathfinder game not too long ago.
  18. BonkersBananas

    Space Jam (1996)

    What MJ's been up to lately.
  19. I actually liked part 3... took me forever to find it on VHS (directors cut) back in the day, had to special order it from a Suncoast Video store (my favorite place to hang out in the mall)
  20. BonkersBananas

    Submit your HDTGM T-Shirt Designs HERE!

    The rules are a 3 color maximum, 4 counting the color of the shirt.
  21. BonkersBananas

    NEW Nerd Poker Dice Bags!

    Depleted Uranium D20 of course!
  22. BonkersBananas

    NEW Nerd Poker Dice Bags!

    And just like that, you have my axe....and my money.
  23. Would anyone else like to hear a commercial from maybe June or Jason for this podcast for Square space? Mail Chimp? Hulu? Audiobook? I'm actually interested to hear what Zouk's commercials may sound like. I mean, they're all co-hosts right?
  24. BonkersBananas

    Submit your HDTGM T-Shirt Designs HERE!

    *Spoilers* But I think I want to make that first Mantzoukas picture my avatar if I can't have it as my shirt.
  25. BonkersBananas

    Questions for Sark

    I guess you're missing reading Mr. Sark's posts and Gerry Duggan's posts. JFC Gerry's website is hilarious when not promoting his business. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but seriously....this re-link he posted had me dying. This re-link brought to you by gerryduggan.com