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Posts posted by BonkersBananas

  1. I've been waiting and hoping for a mirror match too! That said, I'm also curious to find out if all Glenishmorons are as sure of themselves as Sir Richard.

    I certainly hope that all of Glenishmore were as determined to defend their homeland as Sir Richard. (thieving background or not)

    • Like 1

  2. While saddened by the death of Amarth, the banter at the beggining of this episode made me so damn happy. I've binged through all the episodes after about a month. I'm gonna be sad when I can't listen to the episodes back to back like I have been and have to wait a week for each new one.

    • Like 2

  3. My background in table top role playing certainly helps in my appeal to the Nerd Poker podcast, the BP&F crew are just great to listen in on their interactions with one another, reminds me of my own groups I used to meet with. I actually find Blain much more entertaining in his performances in this podcast than his professional performances. He's much more relaxed and is just trying to have his own kind of fun.

  4. It's hard to judge the scale from the photo, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that these are nowhere near big enough to hold my dice collection.

    It's big enough to hold your standard 1 D12 1 D8 3D6, 2 D10, 1 D4, and 1 D20 though.

  5. 3.5 here. just started this year after wanting to play for a lonnnng time.


    I have the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and I want to start a campaign where I DM but so far can't find any takers.


    I can't see myself using any edition apart from 3.5/Pathfinder.


    2nd edition is quite fun once you get the concept of how everything is pretty much backwards from 3.0+.

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  6. Part 3 was pretty weak, and my gore hound 12-year-old self even thought it was pretty bad. I remember there being a lot of controversy about the violence, so it was a must-see, but it was really kind of tame. I think it's more interesting to watch now though as a Viggo Mortensen flick. As far as the series goes, pretty much EVERY movie after the second one is essentially a remake, and like "Halloween", it seems to coast a lot on the goodwill of the original. People got all up in arms about the Platinum Dunes remake, but even if you like the second one, the 2003 remake is AT LEAST the third best in the series. "Next Generation" is pure dog shit, and it looks like it was shot on a camcorder.

    I actually liked part 3... took me forever to find it on VHS (directors cut) back in the day, had to special order it from a Suncoast Video store (my favorite place to hang out in the mall)

  7. I guess you're missing reading Mr. Sark's posts and Gerry Duggan's posts. JFC Gerry's website is hilarious when not promoting his business. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but seriously....this re-link he posted had me dying.



    This re-link brought to you by gerryduggan.com
