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Everything posted by gototimsvlogdotnet

  1. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 36 — John Cochran, Our Close Friend

    Val you're amazing! But one thing. You made me say the H-E-double-hockeysticks word, and we've established I don't cuss. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's the only thing we've even established about me at all.
  2. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 36 — John Cochran, Our Close Friend

    It's not my fault that Joe McGurl is a jerk. Guy can't seem to get over the fact that i'm doing so well without him :3 Sorry hun but your words can't hurt me!
  3. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 36 — John Cochran, Our Close Friend

    #YesAllJenniferAnistons #BadChanson Any other hashtags guys? I'm really into Hashtags lately.
  4. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 36 — John Cochran, Our Close Friend

    Hey guys I made a new theme for the show. This one is for the Teaser Freezer. I didn't want to sway too much from the success of my last theme so I used the Popcorn Gallery theme as a primary influence: https://drive.google...dit?usp=sharing I also did a cool harmony remix of the Popcorn Gallery theme but it's not ready yet. Send me your cover versions of my song and I'll put them all together for a neat world-wide harmony. EDIT: BTW the lyrics are (copyrighted lol): The Popcorn Gallery It's time for it It's the Popcorn Gallery It's a segment on Hollywood Handbook Sean and Hayes Let the viewers ask the questions Not the Peanut Gallery 'Cause it's about Movies, yeah The Movies is the reason It's called the Popcorn Gallery And Sean and Hayes letting The viewers doing all the questions yeah and now it's time for.... the Popcorn Gallery oh yeah!
  5. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 36 — John Cochran, Our Close Friend

    You should also report them to the health board because that is NOT sanitary. Ew ew ew!
  6. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 36 — John Cochran, Our Close Friend

    Agata know did they play my song again? A just gata know.
  7. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    Final update: show was hilarious. Sean was hilarious. I hate almost everything about LA but the amazing cheap comedy is awesome.
  8. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    Update: I'm in a bar next to UCB. This place is like Mecca
  9. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    I just want to let everyone know I'm going to Sean's "Crappy" Jobs show tomorrow night at UCBerkeley Theatre. I'm gonna wink at you, baby. Unless you're not there. Then I'll just wink at whoever takes your place. Also, I'm meeting a friend of a friend whom I've talked to online a bunch (we did a podcast together) but whom I've never meet in person before at the show. So, Sean, if you detect any awkwardness or tension, feel free to ease it out a little bit.
  10. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    John, what's it like being so successful now after your humble beginnings doing indie piss porn movies?
  11. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    if you go into "settings" then "about this phone" you can check for any current OS updates. However, carriers generally don't push updates for phones after like 6 months (because they're all dicks). I think if you have an available OS update, you mike make it through this.
  12. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    iPhone or Android?
  13. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    Andy Daly PPP: Everyone won't stop talking about how great this series is and they're right. However, I'd question how much you'd get out of it without the groundwork the Comedy Bang Bang episodes made. Learn the characters first. I'd recommend doing a choice listen through CBB (especially all the Andy Daly episodes) before moving onto this. It's high-level stuff. CBB: Listen. It's so good. Pick which eps you listen to based on the guests. Paul F Tompkins is always great (but he's on like 100 episodes so it won't help you to pick out episodes). Andy Daly is amazing. James Adomian is amazing. Brett Gelman is amazing. I love all of the Tim Heidecker episodes but that's a little bit more controversial. Tim Heidecker just gets my funny bone. I'm sure I'm forgetting amazing recurring guests. The best parts of Comedy Bang Bang come from how deep the canonization of the characters gets. I'd recommend listening to the essentials: The Best-Ofs, all of the anniversary and Christmas episodes, Time Bobby 1,2,3, Farts and Procreation 1 and 2 (didn't really like 3), all of the Andy Daly ones (especially the ones with Zouks), at least 4 of the Jessica St. Clair ones (New No-Nos is my favorite), Two Thumbs and Not Much Else. Sorry I've written a lot but CBB is a very deep show with a lot to offer, and it's probably my second-favorite podcast. I4H: I like this show but don't love it. As Greggy said, its highs can be really, really high, but some episodes just really don't do it for me. Lauren Lapkus consistently kills, and the episodes about beastiality are classics. Sean "Long Dong" Clements has appeared in a few, so you gotta listen to those. The Jessica St. Clair, Lennon Parham, and Jason Mantzoukas episodes are great. Topics: I love Topics. Yes, it's kind of the same joke over and over, but it's only 20 minutes a week, and for me it hasn't really gotten old yet. I really love Black and Show though (Stella is one of my favorite shows of all time). Some of the more popular ones that I'm comme ci, comme ca on are Who Charted (can be funny depending on the guest, but overall I want more jokes and bits in my podcasts), How Did This Get Made (I love everyone involved, but only certain episodes have really made me buss' up my whole spit... the Sharknado ep with Scotty Awk is my favorite), Professor Blastoff is just kinda funny to me, and Sklarbro Country can go either way. I'm really not that into U Talkin' U2 To Me? I love the Scotts but I find myself getting very easily burnt out on that specific type of funny (for example, Farts and Pro 1 and 2 I loved but by 3 I'm kind of done with it). Yo Is This Racist? should be "Yo This Is Garbage". There are other, more eloquent people who have written more on why this show is trash. Particularly, I4H had a segment called "Yo Is 'Yo Is This Racist?' Racist?". All I know is they're really annoying and never funny, and they LOVE themselves. EarHump is of course great. I mean, I've only ever listened to one episode, and even though they have the episodes recorded they don't seem to publish them anywhere, and sure by any normal metric the show is kind of a disaster, but I sort of know (in an internet sense mostly though I did meet Avery and Josephine) a couple of the people on it and they take calls so it's kind of fun.
  14. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    Did you guys know you can record and send audio clips to messages and group chats from the FB mobile app? I do it with friends who don't live near here anymore. It ups the comedy ceiling because you can do some really funny stuff.
  15. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    Hey are you guys cut or uncut? EDIT: Girls please don't read any responses to this question. Private boy talk!
  16. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    That reminds me of a funny joke I did once. My dad was wearing shorts that were shorter than most men will wear, and I said "What happened to the rest of your shorts?"
  17. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    Uh... Creepy much? I got to Stein's all the time with work buddies. Nah, Val and I usually go to a two-star Michelin restaurant up in Napa. Lots of wine and just really tasty food. I mean, we're charging it back to the HH account, so why not go all out? (Also we're both very rich and could afford that anyway).
  18. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    [voice_imitate person=Elaine Benes]SHUT UP![/voice_imitate] Tri-color rigatoni is my fave. One time on the first date with someone who would be come my GF for a long time (not currently though lol) she didn't believe me that the three different colors actually tasted different. I proved it to her with a blind taste-test.
  19. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    "We call entertainment industry Hollywood Handbook: take this industry on the back of the kick ass name Insider Guide Hall red carpet lining" (via http://translationparty.com/)
  20. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 35 — Mikal Cronin, Our Close Friend

    Also noteworthy is: 1) Andrew is British. He's really British. If he was American and faking it by using words like "bloody" and "wanker", he's be a cigarette (get that funny joke?). 2) There are three forum members we're all only pretending to like. IF you can guess who they are, you get a prize. 3) Fan fiction is a good way to get a lot of likes. 4) There are three types of posters: i) High-volume, medium-quality. These posters post all the time and are usually funny. Expect 1-3 likes per post ii) Low-volume, exquisite-quality. These posters post a few times per week and usually nail it. Expect upwards of 5 likes per post. Examples: OcterDoctopus, VB iii) Those three people we're only pretending to like. Again, these people are human garbage and no one likes them but it's funny to pretend. All of their likes are sarcastic. 5) You're new here. Suck my dick. Seriously, you have to do it. Suck my dick. Do it. Now. Yeaaaaaaahhhhhh 6) Hayes and Sean don't post here that much. I'm pretty sure they only occasionally even read it. They advertise on the show that you can talk to them here, but they're big-leaguing you. But you can't complain, because they're the alpha dogs and if you don't pay them 'spect then you're one of the dumpster people. 7) Oh and one more thing. If you go on vacation or otherwise can't post on here for any period of time, LET US KNOW BEFOREHAND. It's scary when you think something bad happened to Chanson. 8) Note the locations of the members. Most members will give you their state or even city. If you live near one, go to one of the local meetups. For example, Val and I get lunch three times a week to discuss the show and the direction of the forums. But we're premium members, so even if you live nearby you'll have to go to one of the junior meetups for a while before you can come to one of the premium meetups. You should put in a request for a corp card to expense travel and meal expenses you incur for these meetups. Until you get the corp card, just keep your receipts and submit expense reports. 9) Oh, I actually thought the pro version was only for donators, too. The one time I got it was right after I donated a butt-ton of money to the show. I guess it's actually just for a random forum member. So if you do well you can get a shout-out. Also we try to use real names on here now.
  21. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 34 — David Wain, Our Close Friend

    BRR2: Oh man that's so brilliant... Do I need to pay you royalties for every pipe I lay using that strategy, or are you open source (GPL? MIT?)
  22. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 34 — David Wain, Our Close Friend

    Yeah I could use some dating advice too. On Friday night I went out with a few friends and later on a few of the female friends tried to teach me how to talk to women (I'm not actually bad at small talk but I find it unnatural to approach strangers and also it seems weird the whole "picking up chicks" thing?) and we did a role-play. I did OK but then she said that she lives in Mountain View, and so do I, so I asked "Oh, where specifically?" This was apparently a big mistake and would have come across as very creepy to ask, even though I didn't mean it that way. It's a G.D minefield out there!
  23. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 34 — David Wain, Our Close Friend

    Guys, we gotta have a big day tomorrow to get the numbers up this week on the forums. Don't want to get Agata fired! Why doesn't everyone say what their favorite Popcorn Gallery question so far ever has been? I'd go with "Why is there no White history month?" Also, what's your favorite Popcorn Gallery theme song? I like mine better than that *other* guy's.
  24. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 34 — David Wain, Our Close Friend
