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Everything posted by gototimsvlogdotnet

  1. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Do any of you Handbook-heads have bands? If so, plug them here!

    Cool, we're sharing music? Here's one of my songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hInBA0wm7S0
  2. gototimsvlogdotnet

    EPISODE 121 — Maria Thayer, Our Close Friend

    Are we sharing our art projects? I did this cool subversive art-as-a-living-being project a while ago that keeps surprising and impressing me. It's a historical list of actual internet speeds I get at my house, so that I can call Comcast out on it if it starts to be problematic. Some fun stuff you can do is see what the slowest speed is, or see what my internet speed was at an important time in your life. Anyway, check it out at this link! http://timsvlog.org/speeds.html
  3. gototimsvlogdotnet

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    Just had a SICK CSGO game guys (since we're talking video games). 30-bombed and clutched the last round 1v3 to tie the game. PS hi forum. miss you guys -sent from my jphone
  4. gototimsvlogdotnet

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    Hey Sean, if you're going to try to do a Popcorn Gallery theme, at least try not to make it sound like a rip off of mine. Half of the words were the same, sheesh. PS hi forum, miss you
  5. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Does earwolf allow visits?

    Only invited Podcast guests (like me) are allowed in. It's a workplace and surely the people who provide us amazing podcasts wouldn't want to have to have visitors around all day!
  6. Hi Paul, any advice for dealing with childhood friends looking for favors? As always, thanks and in memory of Leonard Nimoy, LLAP.
  7. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Recommended starting point for newbie to HH

    Be careful. I know there are more than 25 episodes (>6mo), and that can be terrifying. But be calm and just pretend like episodes 1-71 don't exist. A little trick is simply not scrolling that far down.
  8. gototimsvlogdotnet


  9. gototimsvlogdotnet


    To clarify, the actual concept of a paid pro version that provides an appreciably superior experience (which Howl seems to strive for, and ought to get there one day) is something I fully support, especially if it helps to support the content creators and encourage smaller-listenership shows (I say that as someone who has donated way too much money to Hollywood Handbook). The things that confuse/upset me about this are: 1) Breaking the old Earwolf experience (taking down old shows). Users who want to keep doing what they've been doing for free for years can no longer do that, and the explanation for why this is better for users makes no sense (more on that later). However, since I've already said that I would gladly pay for a subscription pro version, that shouldn't personally affect me, however... 2) The new experience, though it could be better, is broken too (no Android support). While there are some additional new features/improvements to the advertised Howl experience (ad-free, more premium content), overall the current experience also features some major regressions. A complete lack of Android support and a lack of an ability to download (downloading in-app would be acceptable although not quite as ideal, but, again, completely broken on Android) show a misunderstanding of the user base or a lack of caring. 3) Misleading/incomplete/unclear/dishonest explanation for why (1) had/has to happen. Explaining it away as a better new-user experience doesn't make sense. Scott, you yourself said *in this very thread* that you wanted to keep certain entire catalogs on Earwolf free specifically so that "as many people to listen to it as possible", which clearly contradicts the stated concept of "if we only allow recent episodes, more people will listen". I should mention that it's possible that you guys have done some research on this topic and come to the surprising conclusion, and if so then lots of my assumptions here would be unfair. However, with current information, the explanation appears wholly unsatisfactory.
  10. gototimsvlogdotnet


    It's just that going from free and downloadable (and listenable on airplanes, trains, foreign countries, etc.) to paid and streaming-only is a very clear user experience (UX) regression. Usually product decisions consider "UX" to be one of the most significant concerns (right next to revenue) and specifically UX regression (let alone literal content regression for some users, e.g. Android users) is kind of a sin and loses significant user trust. Better transparency ("Scripps wants more revenue, and we think the best compromise between keeping a *decent* free user/new user experience, introducing a *better* paid-user experience, and meeting realistic business needs is this model where we take down old content" as opposed to "No, don't you get it, it's actually GOOD for you not to be able to get old content as easily or as freely as you could for the past five years!") might sound worse but honesty will at least regain some of the lost user trust/user confidence from taking content away.
  11. gototimsvlogdotnet


    1) Will old shows (RSS, ADP) be completely unavailable to free users? 2) Will Howl Premium users be able to download un-DRMed episodes? 3) Any specifics on Android? This seems to really really break the experience for Android users, and serves as a massive content regression 4) Why couldn't the UX issue of "too much uncurated content" be solved purely through UX means instead of payments (i.e. for each show have some suggested first listens, or even put the "archived" episodes in a different section of Earwolf)? The monetization argument certainly makes sense for Scripps, but the "overwhelming amount of content" argument really seems like a lame attempt to tell users that it's actually good for us to have less access to content. "Too much uncurated content" and "users not paying us for this content" seem like purely orthogonal issues.
  12. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 95 — Mike Still, Our Close Friend

    Hey Tom, Do dogs dream? Thanks, Tim Treese (I did the song... PS did you like it?)
  13. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 95 — Mike Still, Our Close Friend

    IDK what the big deal is with the HH shirts. I've had my Wolf Cool shirt for like 5 months.
  14. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 95 — Mike Still, Our Close Friend

    Hey Sean, that's me in the video. I hope you like my part of the video I made for you, alone in my bathtub. For real though, Sean, you are one of the few comedians where I feel like I totally get everything you do, and your whole body of work has brought me so much happiness. You're also an incredibly nice guy, hanging out with fans and even letting fans on the show. That means so much to us. And Hayes, you're great, too. OK gonna stop embarrassing myself and do my "first timer Hollywood Handbook forumer" impression, world premier: I listneed to this episode and is scared me more than a Frankingstein, is that bad? Can't wait for Untitled Engineer Cody Boy Project to come out, hope my dad will let me out of my basingment aparkmunt to see it, if the movie theater isn't too scary.
  15. gototimsvlogdotnet

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    Hey guys please check out my AMA Please Sean and Hayes please notice it.
  16. gototimsvlogdotnet

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    Ugh you got it before I copyedited it too. That grammatical error is like a zit on my nose :'(
  17. gototimsvlogdotnet

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    COOL TURTLE FACT: Most people think turtles have no concept of race, but actually they are acutely aware of race issues. Really, they're just much too polite to start awkwardly talking about race in a very inappropriate context. The more you know! AGATA PLEASE REMOVE MY ACCIDENTAL DOUBLE POST EDIT2: AGATA NEVERMIND I HAVE 12 LIKES ON THIS POST NOW I WANT TO KEEP IT THANKS
  18. gototimsvlogdotnet

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    COOL TURTLE FACT: Most people think turtles have no concept of race, but actually they are acutely aware of race issues. Really, they're just much too polite to start awkwardly talking about race in a very inappropriate context. The more you know!
  19. gototimsvlogdotnet

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    WOAH! Wait 120 MILLION years old?! They must have taken to land because it was more cre-"spacious" (Cretaceous).
  20. gototimsvlogdotnet

    EPISODE 92 — Fans, Our Close Fans

    Hey guys no joke Sean and Hayes are probably the nicest people of all time. Sorry I don't forum as much as I used to (or maybe that's a relief to you guys?) things just move so fast here now! I can't even keep up. BUT Sean and Hayes are incredible and the hardest thing I've ever had to do in life (well second hardest after having to stop hugging Hayes... Sean didn't let me hug him >:- ( ) was not ruining the recording by laughing really hard in the background. Also Val, Staz, and Adam are also super super awesome people and were cracking me up too. For real this makes me so happy and is for real a dream coming true. <3 Sean and Hayes.
  21. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 90 — Brian Huskey, Our LIVE Friend

    Always disappointed when it turns out people don't know the lyrics. One last time, everyone together now: The Popcorn Gallery it's Time for it it's the Popcorn Gallery it's a Segment on Hollywood Handbook Sean and Hayes letting the Viewers ask the questions not the Peanut Gallery 'cause it's about... Movies, yeah the Movies is the reason it's Called the Popcorn Gallery and Sean and Hayes letting the Viewers doing all the Questions, yeah and now it's Time for... the Popcorn Gallery, oh yeah!
  22. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Episode 89 — Erin Whitehead, Our Close Friend

    Hey guys Ran was cool enough to put me in her zine check out my unboxing of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhIRXeWAdRw I especially want Hayes to watch it. You'll know why, Hayes
  23. Next week I'm going to be on the hunt for rum, and for my rum I seek out the highest quality. I expect to find the highest quality next week.
  24. I went to take some trash out and I threw out my back and the trash spilled into the night.
  25. gototimsvlogdotnet

    Do any of you Handbook-heads have bands? If so, plug them here!
