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Posts posted by gototimsvlogdotnet

  1. Dear Mr Heeyz and Dr. Mr. Shaan,

    Im writting to give YOU a scoop. you read right and hear it is. cough cough gurgle gurgle. dont use the elevator in case of a fire, its really dangerous. thank you

    Hey Boats Rock, welcome to the forums. You're a fellow SFBayer. That's cool #sorrynotsorry.


    You should know that people only ever read the current episode's thread. I'm an exception because I accidentally clicked this one just now.


    You should re-post to the correct thread. Thanks!

  2. Hey guys I was looking back on some of our older threads from the golden age (8-14 weeks ago) and here are the big differences I noticed:


    1) Freja posted a TON, and all the posts were good. Come back to us, Freezus

    2) More "like"s all around

    3) Chanson was gone. I don't think that Chanson being gone specifically helped our post-counts or overall forum health, but I do think we should get some of that rawness back by kicking someone out. I nominate Joe McGurl, who, by some pretty advanced simulations, should be most effective.

    4) Higher bit saturation. Posts would kick off conversations, and those conversations would have 10-40 replies, all within the bit!


    c'mon guys

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