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Posts posted by gototimsvlogdotnet

  1. Hey guys I just finished the podcast. I actually moved this past weekend (don't worry I'll do a house tour video once we get everything in place &c.), and I used to listen to p-casts while I was in the shower (I like long showers #longshowersdontcare #sorrynotsorry #californiadrought), but in my new place the shower is too loud and I'd really have to blast it to hear, and my housemates probably don't want that.

    However, it is farther away from work. My last place was about 7 minutes away without traffic and 20 with, and this place is about 15 minutes away without traffic and 38 with. So I was able to listen to about 15 minutes of the p-cast before and after my shower at home, then the rest of it on the way in. So hopefully this system will continue to work out moving forward.

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  2. I think we should cast and then do a quick runthrough on Skype or Hangouts, just so that the characters are on the same page emotionally/energy-wise.


    EDIT: BTW you guys both wrote really funny scripts. Y'all are talented!

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  3. are you guys doing a bit?


    Yeah I only did a bit of Alcohol, but lots of others whom I won't name (ok it was Frank and Jimmy) did LOTS of Alcohol and got PISSED and got in the hot tub with Katie and Maggie (Frank and Jimmy said they were all naked, but Katie said they went in in their undies, and Maggie denies the whole thing, so I don't know what to believe).


    Also, I saw Kristina and Mike dancing together a LOT (which is weird because even though everyone knows they broke up years ago and Kristina is dating Charlie now and Mike is dating Susie) and I'm pretty sure I even saw them kissing >_<. Don't tell Charlie and Susie...


    Anyways I had a good time and I did lay some wicked pipe on Anna, and then later that night I even threw it in for a soak with Rachel.

    • Like 7

  4. VB, currently reading through and something I notice is that:


    Good to know that even as a ghost

    you’re constantly making jokes.


    is *really* close to iambic pentameter. Any chance you could add a syllable here and there to make it so? Perhaps something like:


    Good to know that even as a ghostman

    Your constant joking nature lives fore'er


    That's pretty good, right?


    EDIT1: "Shut up and get that ghost dick over here." that's a t-shirt right there.


    EDIT2: Just finished. That's seriously good. You're a really good writer, VB. I was giggling here at my desk.

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  5. Β 



    I'm in the Cotswolds, 2Β½ hours away from London, which seems very far away to me but is probably your daily commute or something. If you find yourself in Cheltenham I could stretch to buying you a pint and putting you up for a night in my parents' house.


    I'm gonna be in London for 2 weeks in August. I don't want to go up to Cholstenwiggles or wherever but if you come down we can be the first intercontinental HH meetup selfie.

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  6. Β 

    it might sound like a good idea, but then you'll probably just be totally in love for like 3 years until she breaks up with you and has a new boyfriend that's really funny and nice and you see her at the beach literally EVERY TIME you go and it's a HUGE BEACH and you always manage to cross paths at the EXACT SAME SPOT on the boardwalk even though you pick a different spot to sit with your towel every time hoping that you won't run into her but secretly hoping that you will because THIS TIME you're with a really hot babe and when you and the babe are deflating this GIANT INFLATABLE SWAN you'll notice that there is A LOT of sexual tension which is great because she has agreed to come watch the US V. PORTUGAL game at ur house so you hurry up and set off down the boardwalk because the game is going to start in an hour and YOU SEE YOUR EX COMPUTER GF CHANGING UNDERNEATH A BAGGY T-SHIRT and she gives you a hug but she looks like a ghost 'cause the girl your with has a SMOKING BODY and she runs off to catch up with her new nice boyfriend and he's carrying a cooler only he has to stop and rest every five feet 'cause its too heavy! WHAT A WEAKLING!!!!!


    it's not as bad as it sounds tho, you'll barely even cry when she dumps you.


    Hey, you know you can talk to me anytime, buddy. Just tweet at me.

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  7. Β 

    Swiss' Business Class is pretty good. Ever since they got bought by Lufthansa the damn Germans have been nickel and diming them though... Air Berlin or Edelweiss Air to Olbia? Neither are a regional airline, but i know what you meant. Don't pretend like you aren't at Porto Cervo. You nouveau riche son of a bitch.




    PS - I like airplanes. Don't judge me.


    PPS - Have fun, Tim. Any "billionaire" who invites you on his yacht probably wants to sell your kidneys, so don't do it.


    It was Edelweiss to Olbia. They were kinda crappy and we had a really hard landing, like the pilot had never flown a plane before Inexcusable on an Airbus... those gosh-dang things fly themselves!.


    Lotta hot international chicks here... BUT we accidentally booked at was appears to be a hotel exclusively for couples. Gonna try to get a little action going anyway... maybe some Germans who are into 3-ways.

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  8. BTW guys sorry for my brief absence I've been traveling for a long time. I'm in Sardinia now (not giving you any more information than that... LOL! internet stalkers). I flew business class on Swiss Air from SFO to ZRH (then some garbage regional airline from ZRH to OLB), and I thought maybe Sean and Hayes could do a segment where they talk about how to pretend to be fancy/upper-class, for people who will never really "get it". For example, what do you do with the hot towel they give out?

    Also maybe they could do a segment where they share time-zone strategies. This is a 9-hour difference for me. How do you guys normally deal with big changes like that "Grace"fully?


    (there's an inside joke for Sean in the above comment...)

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