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Posts posted by gototimsvlogdotnet

  1. VB Can I meet your dad? Let me know when he's doing a concert and I'll "come" out for it.


    EDIT: also I have a real request. This is serious. A friend of mine (David Galehouse you can look him up on FB) is making an OK Cupid profile and he wants to make a video of people saying he's a good guy. He's having a bunch of his friends do it (including me) but he doesn't have any female friends. Looking for females on here to record a short video just saying that he's like a good guy or something. Thanks!


    EDIT2: I should clarify: He's not really a good guy, so you don't need to worry about that or believe it. You just need to SAY it. TX!


    --sent from my jPhone

    • Like 1

  2. There was actually a pretty funny "back-end" joke at work but it involves confidential stuff/PR stuff so I can't repeat it here. But if we ever meet in person I can tell you the joke.


    PS I don't think anyone has met anyone else IRL after meeting on the forums, right? Agata and I almost accidentally met (we were at the UCB at the same time), and VB and I have talked about meeting, but nothing has happened, right?

    • Like 1


    Tim Treese, I remember when you were the new guy. And now you're the newbie enforcer?


    ...actually, sounds about right.


    Newbies, listen to all of the Reality SHOW show episodes and then you will be accepted with open arms.


    Andy, Vibes?


    PS - Love you all


    Hazie Bone liked my first post, which means I gained +5 noobie immunity, which, combined with my +3 show donations, exempts me entirely from that kind of thing.

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  4. At first I wanted to say that I had that coming, but after re-listening to that segment, they clearly loved my song. They didn't even hear Sean and Hayes not knowing which one was which because they were listening too much. So I think that, really, they're just kind of jealous, and that's the ugliest color of all.


    Sorry hun, but I'm doing just great without you :) Take a number because all the ladies are lining up to talk to me and I don't really need to anymore penguindance.gif

    • Like 17

  5. Lenn/Jess: Did you like my song? I'm a really big fan (actually my flair on the Earwolf Subreddit is "Womp it Up!") and it would mean so much to me if you guys liked my song. Also, can you ask Sean and Hayes if they liked the song?


    Gourley: In my table, you wrote in the drawer that it was your drawer. Why do you think that, and how do you sleep at night knowing you claimed something that wasn't yours? (Sean in particular should be offended by this since it's like how the white Gourley took the land from the native Earwolf table users).

    • Like 1

  6. What's so "steely" about Steely Dan? I don't get it...


    Also how old is everyone? I think that's confusing lots of issues around here. I'm 23, but I'm going to be 24 on August 20.


    Also, another thing I noticed: Agata and I have similar birthdays. She's August 14. Should we have a combined birthday party? Also I'll be in London at the time so it has to be like August 25.

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