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Posts posted by gototimsvlogdotnet

  1. Notice how it's only his lower half that's blurry? I think somebody's still a little self-conscious about his butt implant accident on the highway. #conspiracy #photoshoptruther


    It's a... uh... a part on the.. uh... *male* anatomy that. uh... he's been gifted in such... a way that... endowed by his creator... with this male part... that is self-evident... that all men are not created equal in this... uh... department...

    • Like 1

  2. TheNarnold got banned from the Reality Show Show forums cause he called a mod a white knight so I'm pretty sure its a very racially charged term. Mods are just forever lurking everywhere.


    I may lack the historical context on this, but is that why Hayesean started a new Podcast with a Different name? Just so that they Could get a new forum and get Narnia unbanned??


    sent from my jPhone

    • Like 3

  3. Watching Nebraska, I was introduced to an actor who can only be described as Fat Hayes.






    The other guy is Fat Kyle Cease, but that's neither here nor there.



    Funny story, that's actually Will Forte (you might know him from SNL or MacGruber movies). I know, he's such an actor you can barely even tell it's him in that fat suit!

    • Like 1

  4. Hey guys. Some notes from the show:


    Thought Jennifer Lawrence should have won a Notscar for not being on Twitter (though Ellen did really get her goat with that picksie!)

    Mister Ogynist was a really smart character, and fun and funny, but I thought there were more jokes there. Did you ever consider:

    "Miso Gynist", who would be a Miso Soup chef and also a Gyno, and I also had other ideas for names/characters based on misogynist.

    Jon Gabrus was a real rat and seemed to not want to answer the good questions you guys gave him very much, and I think that was wrong and you should black-ball him.


    Thanks! #hollywoodhandbook

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  5. Really nice 'cast, guys! One bone I need to pick, though:


    You can have a one-person study group. I study all on my own all of the time. It's actually much better because you can do it whenever you want. I have study groups all the time when I go on walks or feed the birds in the park, or making a risotto, or even just playing ball with the dog.



  6. I think my favorite Rappist M&Ms Candy Company said it pretty best:


    "So tell me, what the hell is a fella to do?

    For every million I make, another relative sues

    Family fightin and fussin over who wants to invite me to supper

    All the sudden, I got 90 some cousins (Hey it's me!)

    A half-brother and sister who never seen me

    or even bothered to call me until they saw me on TV

    Now everybody's so happy and proud

    I'm finally allowed to step foot in my girlfriend's house

    Hey-hey! And then to top it off, I walked to the newsstand

    to buy this cheap-ass little magazine with a food stamp

    Skipped to the last page, flipped right fast

    and what do I see? A picture of my big white ass

    Okay, let me give you motherfuckers some help:

    uhh, here - DOUBLE XL, DOUBLE XL

    Now your magazine shouldn't have so much trouble to sell

    Ahh fuck it, I'll even buy a couple myself"


    Such insight.
