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Posts posted by hugLife

  1. I thought that Bill Nye was working at Cornell? Maybe my intel is a bit outdated, but I was still claiming him under the NY state flag. You can keep Mackerelmore though.


    I don't understand how Adam Corolla is still a thing. The "Man Show" seemed to tap out his comedic diversity, so I guess he plays to a niche, Larry the Cable Guy-type market. As far as cheating is concerned, I say do away with trying to put people on a leash. Love ain't no game (good show title), and the only rules should be the ones that each partner agrees on.... and they shouldn't be riddled with double standards, because it (usually) takes 2 to get down.

  2. 1. I totally have succumbed to the false projections of racism. Being in VA, it is hard to tell if people don't like you because they hate people, or because you are brown. That is a pretty good point, and the simple solution is to encourage more vocal discrimination. Then you can accurately assess how personal their hatred of people is.


    2. Maracas are melodious to the trained ear. That signature wasn't supposed to be there for months. Originally, I was changing it every week with a new "mm" but that grew difficult after week 5, and I was pretty sure that nobody realized or would care. You proved me wrong, Chanson. Thank you for giving me hope.


    3. Did Dan move near the Space Needle? I heard that the neighborhoods around there are pretty welcoming.

    • Like 1

  3. I get where you are coming from. I guess when I imagined it, there was nothing that led me to believe that it would be a large group of people. Whether it was practical or not, I imagined one giant bro sesh where a couple hundred people chatted with their favorite hosts about life.

    I want to do a podcast...

  4. 1. I loved the Wrangler Fly Button Jeans segment this week. It is so nice to know that I am not the only guy in America who doesn't like those maze patterns.


    2. You all gave Adam great stand-up advice and I can't wait to see his set.


    3. I think that I understand why Chanson's questions keep getting used and I am pretty sure that he is being exploited for those Hollywood Handjobs he is always mentioning. Just because he is shameless enough to advertise on a beach doesn't mean that you get to reimburse him with just a few measly popcorn gallery questions.

    • Like 2

  5. Whoot there it is preceded Whoomp there it is by just a month in 1993. It is funny that both groups were Miami based because the song "whoot there it is" is about pointing out where the girls with big booties are, and "whoomp there it is" seems like a nonsense phrase that has no connection with the theme of the song.


    Also, it is interesting how similar the backing tracks are on the songs, and how "whoomp there it is" became more popular probably because the beat it just a little bit better.

  6. The Norse goddess of fertility? I don't know if you have always dreamed of living up to your name, but it sounds like it would be rather exhausting for you.

    Also, just hop on okcupid or something and join the singling/mingling club. Swedish girls are so in for 2014, you will have your pick of the lot (just watch out for cat allergies!).

    You know, there should be a reality show that pairs up those profiles randomly. It would be like MTV's Next, except there is nothing after the dates but a mild sense of shame and regret.

    • Like 1

  7. @MacJake

    It is pretty funny how people choose to nitpick over free comedy. Even if someone doesn't agree with an ad, are they going to choose to sponsor the show to get rid of it? I will probably never ever use squarespace, but I appreciate that they help make all of these free laughs possible.

    It is pretty hypocritical to start talking about the morality of an ad that was marketed to couples for Valentine's Day, which by the very nature of the ad, is targeting both men and women (hence Adam AND EVE).

    Don't try to turn the forums into a place where you can exercise your personal politics over a sponsor. If you want more of a say, start donating $300 a week to keep I4H running. Until then, either listen and laugh, or close out of the page. Nobody will miss you.

  8. Hey y'all, we are obviously under quota for comments this week, and I am trying to help entertain Sean and Hayes since they check this twice a day for entertainment:


    If you had the chance to be a super hero/villain of any type-

    1. What would your power(s) be?

    2. How did you get them?

    3. What would you do with them?


    Remember, your only limit is your imagination :)

    • Like 1

  9. Now, please forgive my ignorance in the reality show realm because I really don't watch tv at all (in the serious way, not the Sean way), but did Temptation Island have challenges on it? I know that they sent couples out there and then spilt them up in respective groups of man-hoes and lady-hoes to make them cheat on each other, but I really don't want to believe that there was nothing else in between.

    I know that they would show the couples the tapes of their partner cheating and have them make decisions on the spot, and I think that a show like that would do well again. Get some homely weirdos sharing tents and throw a hot tub in the mix. It seems like it would work to me.


    @Freja, would you really want a guy to fly you to another country and immediately start talking about you churning out some of his kids? If you settle for a local bar, I am sure that you could find countless guys to eerily talk to you about how fertile you are. Not to fall too hard into a dating tangent, but I feel like being single is the new married, so you are actually a trendsetter :)
