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Everything posted by BrandonRiedie

  1. BrandonRiedie

    EPISODE 336 — NOT Farts and Procreation 4

    I've never met Harris, and I never will. Both of those realities truly, truly sadden me. What saddens me most, though, is that he is no longer a part of this living world. He was a comedic giant; one whose death truly is a loss. I don't know what I'm trying to say at this point. I'm so emotional and sad for this. I still can't believe he's gone. I loved him so much, and I miss him.
  2. Jake - Thank you so much for this episode. Although I am all 7+ minutes into the episode, it is one of the many cathartic experiences that I need to cope with the fact that 'The Best Show' will eminently be no more. That show has meant and will continue to mean so much to me. Thanks again.