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Posts posted by jonlandrum21

  1. There simply was not enough said about Danny DeVito buying a car -- FROM THE DEALERSHIP HE WORKS AT -- in Matthew Broderick's name. This is beyond insane, even for this movie (though, to be fair, the mere idea that Danny DeVito could speed skate is a close second). I worked as a car salesman for a short time and I can absolutely confirm that what DeVito did is not even remotely possible. For starters -- and this should go without saying -- you actually have to pay for the vehicle in order to complete the sale. Some form of payment, be it cash or approved financing, must be given in exchange for the vehicle. Also, valid ID and insurance information must be presented at the time of sale. But OK, let's go along with the movie for a second and assume that somehow, DeVito was able to steal Matty B's license and work out some kind of drive now, pay later arrangement. Even if that was miraculously possible, you'd still have to sign a ton of paperwork with the business/finance guy of the dealership...who, by the way, PROBABLY KNOWS WHO THE FUCK DANNY DEVITO IS!!! BECAUSE THEY WORK AT THE SAME FUCKING PLACE!!!! What a stupid movie.

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