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Everything posted by earpanther

  1. I assume you're referring primarily to Ryan Reynolds.
  2. i'll have what she's having!
  3. just chiming in to say
  4. earpanther

    Episode 412 - Little Whittle Whistle

    you just know when a CBB ep thread gets to five pages that misogyny is afoot.
  5. earpanther

    Episode 412 - Little Whittle Whistle

    big, BIG ups for "optimism boards," wishing i thought of that myself tbh. i'm just glad someone finally had the gumption to stand up and take a hard stance against optimism. don't even get me started on those vaccines!
  6. earpanther

    Episode 412 - Little Whittle Whistle

    Can we get a masterlist going of everyone we're NOT okay with being on the podcast so I can forward it to Scott? I know for a fact he would treasure it.
  7. the best kind of yelp! user too.
  8. big ups to sams of all stars & stripes
  9. earpanther

    Episode 406 - Kid Detectives II

    Sounds like you just hate it when two characters talk at the same time, which is a very specific gripe that I assure you no one cares to hear you complain about.
  10. earpanther

    Episode 406 - Kid Detectives II

    might want to stick to WTF
  11. earpanther

    Plugs Benson Interruption

    Slow down, you're making the rest of us look bad!
  12. earpanther

    Episode 229 - Filibusting

    since we're free-associating with our favorite Matthews, i'm crossing my fingers for Lillard.
  13. earpanther

    Episode 274 - Tedpool

    snapchat me that panini
  14. earpanther

    Episode 402 - Solo Bolo Trolo

    anyone remember whose dad it was that would barter at the grocery store? I remember hearing that before.
  15. earpanther

    Scott Aukerman Name Spinoffs.

    i am sam
  16. earpanther

    Scott Aukerman Name Spinoffs.

    Skip Dibbles, I think you'd enjoy Scott's instagram, where you can see and participate in the continued pummeling of this bit into the ground.
  17. earpanther

    Episode 401 - LOVE Is Thicker Than Water

    I think the only "formula" he was referring to is that a "no no" is referring something you shouldn't do, and Paul was presenting some of them as things that you should do, which is the opposite of a no no and is a yes yes. I'm sure Paul has been doing some version of both for some time, but maybe Scott expects a certain finessing of the bit by this point.
  18. I'm a huge fan of hearing constant burping in my ears.
  19. I mean, it definitely crossed a certain line, it just still felt very in line with her character. She says he sexually assaulted her, but later recants to say, no, I was totally into it. To me, it's no more offensive than her saying that their book is for everybody "except for Muslims." Of course we know that she's joking, but when the joke kills for everyone in the audience, it makes you stop and think. She's the inappropriate aunt who gets too drunk at a holiday party and digs herself into in an inescapably deep hole of racism and bigotry. However - I don't think the butt of the joke is Muslims, the butt of the joke is actual racists. I think here too, she's making fun of herself, not sexual assault victims, or slandering Sanders. We know it to be within her character that she would falsely accuse someone of note of rape. I agree that it's controversial and over-the-top, but I don't know that this was a particularly egregious or irregular misstep.
  20. When is Beverly not saying something in poor taste?
  21. mary holland as barb janda is all i've ever wanted from life.
  22. Haven't listened yet, but based on the comments, sounds like Sam would have done a better job engineering this one.