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Everything posted by earpanther

  1. I make music under my past and future porn name, Rick O'Shay. Two EPs for you to, at best, vaguely enjoy. http://rickoshay.bandcamp.com
  2. earpanther

    Episode 399 - Trump vs. Bernie

    For some classic Gottfried trolling, one of his best appearances on Stern: Derailing is Gilbert's whole thing. He wasn't being rude at all, Scott knew exactly what he was getting into with Gilbert. It's not a polite conversation over tea.
  3. Fuck: Engineer Sam Marry: Engineer Sam Kill: Engineer Sam
  4. Hey buddy. This isn't the time or place.
  5. they really killed it this episode, the audience was totally game and it was a fun listen.
  6. s/o to sam chuckling in the background at one point
  7. earpanther

    I think I'm giving up on WC... :(

    best of luck out there. thanks for letting us know, I'll take your name off the list.
  8. earpanther

    Episode 397 - My Silly Moss Man

    did sam ever check on who angrily knocked on the door?
  9. great to hear Face Like Thunder over yonder.
  10. earpanther

    Episode 396 - The Intern Challenge

    not particularly fond of the blatant human rights violation of huebel eating sam's only snackables.
  11. I'm personally not really that interested in hearing straight performers act gay - while I think the likes of the I4H roster could handle it with some amount of grace and respect, as a gay man, I've hit my quota of watching/listening to straight people play gay. While I think comedy and improv is often about playing a character and transforming into someone you're not, eh, your take on it is probably unneeded, and I would understand why a straight comedian would respectfully shy away from playing gay or affecting gay mannerisms or speech. I'm not offended by it - Christopher Guest as Corky St. Clair, Chris Lilley as Mr. G - these are over-the-top performances, but the key is: they're funny. And I think it's challenging to be funny while representing a minority group that you are not personally a part of. I would think it odd if, in attempt to be more inclusive, Besser started trying to affect a black voice, or include a black character, just because. No, he frequently has performers who are part of a minority group on the show, and they are free and able to act however which way they feel comfortable with, and in my opinion, more importantly, whatever suits the function of the scene. That being said, I would encourage any performer, gay or straight, to play what they feel like, and what they're comfortable with. But I'm personally not going to police performers for failing to represent the gay community in an improv podcast, because this is about comedy, it's about funny, and that's all I really care about.
  12. earpanther

    Episode 268 - Slime Wrestling

    I won't see THE DANISH GIRL because it looks like pure Oscar-bait trash.p.s. really enjoyed sam on this ep
  13. earpanther

    Episode 117 - Devin Field, Our Pet Project

    flagged & forwarded to admin
  14. earpanther

    Episode 395 - Yupparently

    For someone with a lot of breathing room, she sure had trouble breathing.
  15. i wanna travΓ©l back to the past and listen to this first time all over again.
  16. this was a dream line-up, if only now we can get chaffin and denbo on the same ep, that would be insanity.
  17. this episode made my morning, seriously great fun.
  18. earpanther

    Plugs 6: Croon Smash

    ah jeez this is neat
  19. Not a particularly endearing interview, but saved by Santa ad.
  20. What do you know, another worthless comment...
  21. I assure that you literally no one gives a shit.
  22. I love Wayne's seemingly genuine glee at Subway's current specials.