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Everything posted by NicholasArthurTallidis

  1. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 2 — The Unforgettable Fire

    Try and listen to Scritti Politti's "The Boom Boom Bap" without cracking up when the vocals kick in. Can't be done. Thanks, Kulap!
  2. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 31 — Jazz

    Maybe my mistake was jumping in blindly at the third season. I also had just finished the August Lindt episode of Andy Daly's Podcast Pilot Project, which would make most podcasts pale in comparison. I like giving things a fair shot (and, as I said, I am a big fan of the Michaels), so I am going to check out the first few eps when I get a chance. And I do very much appreciate free entertainment, but I don't think making something free makes it exempt from criticism.
  3. NicholasArthurTallidis

    Episode 31 — Jazz

    I came in with few expectations, but I enjoy the hosts' other work and appreciate the topic at hand. So the concept--as far as I can tell--is that they use the internet and some baseline knowledge to poorly fake their way through a topic? I like that idea, it's a good reflection on the way we carry ourselves within this everyone's-an-expert wikiculture we live in. My problem is that this was not funny or engaging in any way. It wasn't dry comedy, just plain dry. If anyone cares to, please explain what they get out of this. I'm not trying to troll or complain just for the sake of it. I'm genuinely wondering what people like about this. Maybe this was just a weak ep, but at this point I don't want to waste any more time finding a better one.