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Everything posted by Sam.

  1. Sam.

    Episode 310 — Little Button Puss

    The laugh break that followed the United 93 joke was the longest I've seen in any podcast so far.
  2. I'd like to apologize for dropping them both off the cliff. I fucked that up.
  3. SEE?!? Typical "lead engineer" response. A fan asks a question, and Baritone Brett can't be bothered to spell out all 3 letters in 'yes'. THIS IS WHAT I DEAL WITH EVERY DAY.
  4. If your song is Crazy Town's "Butterfly", then yes.
  5. I didn't break it, someone vandalized it! I've been very specific about this. I'm sorry I blew it, fuck.
  6. Sam.

    Help me get engaged Nerd Poker

    Hey, this is engineer Sam. I usually work the Nerd Poker shows. I want to help. What exactly are you asking the gang to do, propose to your lady on your behalf?
  7. Those are good ideas, it didn't occur to me that it's not actually a prize for the donor. I'll talk with HowKu and we'll find a suitable summah solution.
  8. Thanks! It's a feather actually, as in "light as a feather". My reminder to relax and appreciate my surroundings, to live a life of forever Summah.
  9. This week gets ridiculous! Check out this week's Two Charted on Friday morning!!!
  11. I fear my employment at Earwolf is coming to an end, and even the sway my cousin Sean has won't be able to save me. If that's true, and I never see you guys again, let me leave you with these words of wisdom: What is a microphone, and how do they work? Love, Sam
  12. Sam.

    Episode 80 — D&Darping

    Hey gang! The episode is fixed, and should be uploaded shortly! I AM IRON MAN.
  13. Sneak peek of next week's episode!
  14. Sam.

    Episode 73 — Space Ship Attack

    I'll miss Sark's constant pushing for Billy Joel songs at the start of each show. You guys have no idea how many times it almost happened.
  15. Sam.

    Brett Morris Appreciation Thread

    You guys are only getting 50% of the goods. Audio Brett is pretty great, buy physical Brett is even better. He smells like springtime. Sometimes I'll come into the studio after he's left, just to inhale the sweet smells of fresh lavender & sage. And, a few times, after rough days in the studio, he's come to my apartment to softly sing me to sleep.
  16. I still haven't recovered.
  17. I am proud to announce my promotion to lead engineer. My ban on speaking into the microphone remains untouched however.