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Posts posted by JashBaker

  1. I saw Kiss the Girls and was looking forward to it with the thought that Morgan Freeman and Angelina Jolie making a movie based on a book would be an awesome experience. How could things go wrong? Unfortunately nothing made sense and it was terrible. Most of my friends liked it and I chalked the bad experience up to my inability to follow a movie. I accept that, I am not a professional critic, I often like many things panned by critics. As an example, I enjoyed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies as I knew going in, I was seeing the movie equivalent of junk food.

    I do not understand all artistic expression, nor do I need too in order to enjoy a movie. But I am also not stupid. Fast forward to 2001 and a group of friends ask me if I want to see Along came a Spider. I don’t follow pop culture, so I had no idea the two movies were related. Within 30 minutes of the movie I started shouting “No…they are doing it to me again…!!” My friends asked me to leave, so I went to the bar across the street.

    I have never finished watching Along Came a Spider , it makes no sense, and the acting is awful. I have never been able to explain to my friends why I hate this series so much, or why I can tell that the acting is bad. Please help me, I am sure I am not the only person that hates these two movies with a passion!
