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About RoryMcDaid

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    Edinburgh, Scotland

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  1. RoryMcDaid

    Episode 247 — Guy Ritchie's Back

    Great ep... Tired, frustrated or angry Howard is best Howard, and his whole Michael Jackson thing was great. I love when he really takes a stand on something (and the less important it is the better). That slight manic energy I think brings out the best in him and so I'm glad that they had a perfect guest who could play to that energy. Hayes was a fantastic guest and seemed to fit in perfectly with WieWie and KuKu. Like others, great to have two of my favourite podcasts come together(Or at least the best parts of them, 1-nil to Hayes!), and so successfully too!
  2. RoryMcDaid

    Episode 1702 - Adam Pally

    Always enjoy Adam Pally, so was excited to hear his NNF debut and it did not disappoint. I think his kinda dark, flippant sense of humour worked well with Jimmy's.
  3. RoryMcDaid


    This is basically my only real complaint about howl.fm itself. Otherwise, quite happy with it. But that's quite a big issue to my mind. Got a Windows phone, so as a non Apple or Android user, I've got no App I'll be able to use which is frustrating as I do most of my listening away from home/laptop/WiFi (because Fi). So that's something I'd love to see but I'm already used to the apps I want rarely being developed for Windows phones, so I'm not holding my breath. (But maybe?....) But despite that little gripe, I signed up right away. Gained so much joy from Earwolf over the years, bought ma T-SHIRTS, and so more than happy to support this new venture and excited about what is to come. Great work Scotty Aux!
  4. RoryMcDaid

    Howl App and Howl.fm Opinions?

    I've just been using howl.fm on my laptop. It definitely looks nice and as highlighted above, the uninterrupted playback when moving around the site is nice. I'd probably level the same criticisms too. Moving to different parts in the ep is difficult, nigh-on impossible. The playback bar has the name of the ep/guest on it and I can move forward in the ep to the point that the name begins and no further along. Which is very frustrating. And within that small window of time that you can shift around, it's pretty imprecise. I can't drag it back to the start of the ep for example. And again, as above, only having mute instead of a volume control seems a weird choice. I've refrained from jumping in to other conversations on the boards, not wanting to pile on, but I want to support it. I'm neither an Apple or Android user so I'm screwed in terms of being able to listen anywhere besides my laptop (and I can't stream when out and about or at work where I do most of my listening, who has that much data really?!), so I'm certainly disappointed on that side of things. However, I've signed up regardless as I've enjoyed such an absurd amount of content from earwolf over the years, so I'm happy to support this new venture! (but if there was ever a Windows phone app, I wouldn't complain )
  5. RoryMcDaid


    Just ordered mine too. Would never normally go in for a shirt with motherfucker written on it, but screw it, had to do it!
  6. RoryMcDaid

    EPISODE 336 — NOT Farts and Procreation 4

    Like others have said, so glad that this episode was released. Even without the tragic circumstances making us appreciate Harris even more, the ep was great and I would have loved the scheduling bit regardless. Plays right into my love of hearing bits that some people are enjoying doing and others really fucking hate it. Scott's distaste for the whole email reading was just beautiful A really sweet intro from Scott and that ending was just so bittersweet and perfect. The past few days have been tinged with such sadness; for the loss of Harris, imagining the pain of all his friends and family, and the confusion of how all us fans are supposed to process this fairly unique situation of losing someone you don't know but weirdly feel so close to thanks to the birth of podcasting. The outpouring of love from other comics and fans has been really nice to see and I think it's helped everyone to see how much of an impact Harris had on all of us, and that it's not weird to feel so moved by the death of someone you've not met yet feel so bizarrely connected to. Superglad that "Where there's a will there's a Wayans....that's something" made it into the supercut at the end, forever one of my favourite lines and Harris-isms.
  7. RoryMcDaid

    EPISODE 220.5 — 2/20/15 TWO CHARTED 159

    "HE'S LEANING BACK IN HIS CHAIR LIKE A CEO" really got me. A riled up Howard does delight me. But as others have said, the shadow cast over listening to the ep by todays news was hard to get around.
  8. RoryMcDaid

    We will miss you Harris

    Like many others have said, this is a very odd instance for processing feelings as despite never meeting the guy, we all feel like we have a fully formed image in our minds of him through the time spent on podcasts etc. I think it's difficult for non-podcast people to udnerstand the weird connection we develop with all these people, all the hours spent in these peoples lives that you just don't get in other entertainment mediums. I only have 1 friend in real-life who listens to the same stuff and both vented our sadness this morning, as it definitely did hit me hard to hear the news. Got some emotions flowing while listening to foam corners Harris was always one of my fave CBB guests, and I would frequently refer to him in my personal life as one of the funniest people/comics I was a fan of as there was very few people who made me genuinely laugh like he did. I re-watched the VPN who charted with him on a few weeks ago as its one of my go-to time killers when not in the mood for much else, it just makes me happy. Rarely a day goes by that I don't recite "Where there's a will there's a Wayans" and other such bits of foam at some point in my head. A lot of the nonsense he came up with really struck a chord with me and I'll forever love him for that. Such a huge loss. RIP wool gatherer.
  9. Absolutely fab episode. I've been away from the forums for like 2 months now I think but had to check in after listening as I enjoyed it so damn much.
  10. RoryMcDaid

    Episode 208.5 — 11/28/14 TWO CHARTED 147

    That is brilliant! I've had the phrase "Not the Cosby of..." in my head for the last few days. It makes me laugh at the idea of that catching on as a term for 'not the worst of.... ' Though shame it seems to have since been removed from the page. Guess Ebay snitches are trying to keep the man down.
  11. RoryMcDaid

    Pardcast-a-thon 2014

    Speaking of which, they're Talking U2 To Us, Scotty Auk's needed to be there then!
  12. RoryMcDaid

    Pardcast-a-thon 2014

    I'd never watched Pardcastathon before, having only gotten into Never Not Funny this year, but I've really enjoyed it. I've had a few very short dozes on and off as I'm watching from the UK and it's now 6am here, so have missed a few little chunks however. But a lot of fun overall and all the guests have been great!
  13. Absolutely brilliant! Lauren is obviously brilliantly funny herself, and throwing some PFT magic into the mix for the debut?! There seems almost no way I couldn't love it! It's too easy to lament the addition of another podcast into weekly rotations but I just can't complain about this. Loved it, looking forward to what is to come with this show.
  14. RoryMcDaid

    Is Anyone Else Annoyed by Scott Recently?

    Exactly this! I also enjoyed it from the start, but wasn't necesarily as crazy about it in the same way I am the podcasts. But it has improved so much since that time, it's clear they've all learned a lot from the earlier episodes and have balanced the styles and humour a lot better. I absolutely adore the show now though, it makes me laugh so much and it feels like the perfect expression of Scott and Co's wit and silliness. It has definitely developed really well and the creative voices of those involved seems much clearer now they have a stronger idea of what they can do with the format. In short, I love the TV show. If nothing else, it brings me so much delight to see all these great comics on tv and doing funny/silly things. I mean hey, these things come in phases. A new iteration of sketch comedy. It was Mr Show in the 90's...now it's Comedy Bang Bang ......
  15. RoryMcDaid

    Best of 2014: Stump for favorite episodes here!

    I'm glad to see a number of people mentioning this. I have such a vivid memory of bursting into laughter while walking through town during that part. It just caught me so hard, I didn't even have time to realise or feel anxious about looking like a crazy person as a generally do when muffling podcast laughs in public. Incredibly funny bit!