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Bozos of Basketball

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Everything posted by Bozos of Basketball

  1. Anyone else think that Jon Gabrus is so talented that they actually might check out Hair Jacked?
  2. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 59 — Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend

    Tried to have cat video fun but I can't know how.
  3. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 59 — Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend

    Greggy this is fucking weird. My boss was talking to me TO-DAY about when she used to work at the Butterball hotline. Is you spying on me?
  4. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 59 — Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend

    Are you sure it wasn't all the same girl? Did you have to beat up her exes until coins splashed out and also Zelda noises?
  5. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 59 — Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend

    I sent a 'wich pic like that to Sean on Twitter once and he faved it. I was way too excited about that fave. You know, these "celebrities" and "comedians" and "podcasters" that we put on such a pedestal. There just like us, ya know. Just... people.
  6. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 207 — Grown Ups 2 Causes Terrorism

    BIDDING WAR Wondering if after this sells we see a certain podcast host bid on this...
  7. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 59 — Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend

    Turns out I was just having a loff and I am still alive. So do not be scared, this is real Bozos and not a ghost come to haunt the forums put a spook into your souls. I'll put those rumors to bed to do a big sleepie right now. Great posts this week everybody I have been liking like a madman but still have some left I think. There definitely shouldn't be a like restriction on the forums but at least they give us a whole bunch. Posts have been so good sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough to be here and I should just end it all. And that let's you know I am alive because ghosts can't contemplate suicide (probably).
  8. Bozos of Basketball

    Best of 2014: Stump for favorite episodes here!

    I think about the above every Monday. I snubbed and flubbed the Solo Bolo because I thought "that one doesn't need my vote" now I'm sad to see there aren't that many mentions I'm seeing here. Guess I need to vote again. I'm all about Project Funway, any Victor/ Tiny and any Sanz.
  10. Tracey, what's it like to be popular? How do you choose which people to like?
  11. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 206 — Career Killing Commercials

    I, for one, was happy he spoiled it. Gives me extra time for enlightenment and real-life experience.
  12. I'll say this Jacob C, leading off page 5 on a Friday is a good start. If Hayzie or Clem "pop" up with a Gallery request tonight you could be headlining the whole experience for everybody. Plus a new pic. Recognition for Jacob C may be right around the corner.
  13. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 50 — Rebirth

    Taking into consideration that TV set and the new studio, MIB must have buco dollores at his disposal. Very humble of him to take the half-step down instead of just throwing his money away on whatever the newest and most expensive items are. Despite the half-step I have to say Michael sound great. And do I detect honey?
  14. FUCK. I posted about pigs but forgot to reference the Michael Bay of them.
  15. I just want to say how impressed I am with everyone here on these Hollywood Handbook forums for not constantly discussing this "disease-du-jour" that has been flooding our TVs sets and computers (thankfully not our movies...yet). It seems like some of these broadcast channels and computer headquarters have abandoned talking about anything else altogether! This forum has been a nice safe haven to come and not be bombarded with speculation and useless chatter about swine flu. We can all agree that this disease is tangentially affecting almost all of us and at least 50% of our pigs, which is especially relevant due to the nature of our agriculturally sound flyover society and considering one of our hosts is a former farm orphan himself. Let this post be the end of discussion here as I have very much enjoyed NOT talking about it for once.
  16. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 321 — Big Fat Voice

    Mmmm, metadata? Forbidden stuff? Sounds like a buncha jargon that should be discussed on a Wolf Den ep or something. Not that I would ever listen to the second least (soon to be least!) popular podcast on Earwolf. Gino referenced Marty Jannetty, therefore he is my favorite character of all time. If he followed that up with anything about a barber shop window I don't even know what I would do.
  17. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 57 — Sean and Hayes, Our Closest Friends

    The Raw One. Also Hayes.
  18. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 57 — Sean and Hayes, Our Closest Friends

    I would purchase every single one. Amazing job, b-ho. Making us Boston bros look like forum studmuffins.
  19. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 57 — Sean and Hayes, Our Closest Friends

    T-Shirt idea: Too Scary. Maybe could include also silhouettes of scary monsters like ghouls and van helsings and mouse skellingtons. I nominate brgrho to design it because he seems to be good with computer images and general funny postings.
  20. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 57 — Sean and Hayes, Our Closest Friends

    20 clams donated, Veebs. Love these guys. Best podcast ever. No punch line. (Hope Scott Anchorman is okay after that fall)
  21. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 57 — Sean and Hayes, Our Closest Friends

    Hey writers, when you writes for a show like Office Space or Parking Decorations or Work of Holics, and those shows takes place in an office, is you also writing in an office in real life? How confusing is that?
  22. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 57 — Sean and Hayes, Our Closest Friends

    Out of likes! I did it! Sorry Chanson I liked your dick biting joke but couldn't express that to you through forums likes. MBoP you tickle my phunny bone but not in the dick biting way. I hereby request more Shaggy parody from you. That's right, I didn't forget. San Fran update. Not enough water pressure in the showers. You can tell cuz my hair is smushed on top but bunches up on the sides. Apparently low water pressure has that effect. Currently at this divey place called Hooters. Very greasy. Breast meat and tushies and TVs everywhere. Can't believe they let it be at the friggin mall!
  23. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 57 — Sean and Hayes, Our Closest Friends

    When I was 21 Paul Pierce told me to "get out of the way."
  24. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 57 — Sean and Hayes, Our Closest Friends

    Finally after all the travel I have been forced to do I have made it to the sunny state of California where Hayes and Sean reside! Real quick flight. I left at the ungodly hour of 4 a.m., flew over a bunch of flyovers and I'm already here at 7:30 with the whole day ahead of me! Seemed like longer but I was probably just nervous. Hayes and Sean, I'm staying in a town called San Francisco which I'm guessing is some shitty suburb of LA where you guys are. Can't be much of a drive, let me know if you wanna meet up.
  25. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 57 — Sean and Hayes, Our Closest Friends

    I really wanna try the wet hat to see if I like it (could change my life) but it does have to be an accident / a surprise so I guess I'll just need to buy a lot of grapes, pray at night and constantly walk around my house erect and bare below the waist.