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Bozos of Basketball

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Everything posted by Bozos of Basketball

  1. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 47 — Zoe Jarman, Our Close Friend

    I just listened to all the RSS eps not too long ago because I wasn't cool until pretty recently, so this is all pretty fresh in my mind. I think the most I've ever laughed from a podcast was the "beautiful baked potato" segment. Jeff Probst says "potato" weird, like "potata," and then Hayes and Sean go on for several minutes just saying "potata" as many times as they possibly can. Not sure why but I just found that to be the funniest thing I've ever seen or heard.
  2. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 47 — Zoe Jarman, Our Close Friend

    What I don't like about that show is how they never show the orgies that must go on at the Guilty Remnant house. If she smokes, she pokes.
  3. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 47 — Zoe Jarman, Our Close Friend

    Sean is super pensive in the ep couch pic. Can't help but wonder what he's thinking about...
  4. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 47 — Zoe Jarman, Our Close Friend

    I like Zoe Jarman a lot. She was seeming funny whole times and mucho chemistry with Hayes and Sean (who are they, Walter White?). Like you know how sometimes when "the dudes" are doing sentences they wasn't do them right? Zoe wasn't do them right too and said extra s letters. I laughed bunch times.
  5. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 46 — Jessica Williams, Our Close Friend

    Were we watching the same game? The one I saw was just a handheld cake/biscuit on a fancy little plate.
  6. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 46 — Jessica Williams, Our Close Friend

    Due to contractual obligations, OcterDoctopus cannot legally listen to any podcast other than Gelmania. He just prefers these forums. Another fun fact, his YouTube account is permanently locked on the Tim and Gelman Have Lunch series. Believe he can watch the movie The Other Guys as long as he's drinking an Arnie Palmie.
  7. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 46 — Jessica Williams, Our Close Friend

    And did you guys forget your selfie rods where are the pics?
  8. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 46 — Jessica Williams, Our Close Friend

    Woah woah woah, talk about breezing over the meat of the story. What's Asteck like?
  9. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 46 — Jessica Williams, Our Close Friend

    Great podcast. The hosts is very funny. Where can I find more of their stuff?
  10. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 45 — Johnny Pemberton, Our Close Friend

    ShowShowBro what's your pod I wanna listen and call in too. The Bozos of Basketball (6 p.m. ET Wednesdays on blogtalkradio.com) actually may be shutting down after a four-ish year run. Pretty depressing. Wish I lives on Cali and could go to Sean and Hayes and Kulip show. But I'm stinky lame bozton boy. w00f.
  11. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 45 — Johnny Pemberton, Our Close Friend

    Ms. Williams, Hayes probably just said you perform at the UC Berkeley Theatre. Is that the actual name of the place you perform or is Hayes being fun fun goof laughs?
  12. Bozos of Basketball

    HWH project

    If we still need peeps to record some parts should we post on the Earwolf Job or General Podcasting forums to drum up some interest?
  13. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 45 — Johnny Pemberton, Our Close Friend

    Y'all are going after Hayes like he ain't gonna come back 70s tape on ALL of you. Walking a tight rope, bros. - Bozo Baggins The Gargoyle Boyz
  14. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 45 — Johnny Pemberton, Our Close Friend

    It's a problem with trends, Tim. I've done some group testing myself and it turns out that not posting is considered to be "cooler" than posting on these forums at this stage in the game. With the popularity of the show rising, posting has become an act described by veterans of the forums as "mainstream", "poser", "n00bie" and "jerk-off" behavior. Studies also show that the more you post, the higher your Lame-O-Meter climbs. It's pretty advanced metrics but the results are easy to understand. The desire to be perceived as cool in the Hollywood Handbook forum community is something that will be difficult to overcome. The only way to save the day of the forums is for everyone to be through being cool.
  15. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 45 — Johnny Pemberton, Our Close Friend

  16. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 44 — Nick Wiger, Our Close Friend

    This is definitely too late, but Hayes and Sean, next time you see Johnny Pembieton can you ask him how to get in every movie? Feel like there is still movies I'm not in.
  17. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 44 — Nick Wiger, Our Close Friend

    It's also metafictional and postmodern.
  18. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 44 — Nick Wiger, Our Close Friend

    Sorry everybody. My time machine has been all fucked up.
  19. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 44 — Nick Wiger, Our Close Friend

    Hey CORPSEFUCKER. How's the SHITLORD business? Is business good? Cause I'm all outta bubble gum.
  20. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 44 — Nick Wiger, Our Close Friend

    Hey CORPSEFUCKER. How's the SHITLORD business? Is business good? Cause I'm all outta bubble gum.
  21. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 44 — Nick Wiger, Our Close Friend

    tartan, if you're out there... can you just check in so we know you still have a pulse? Thank goodness this is a typing forum and not a talking forum because he definitely couldn't talk with that apple in his mouth 'cause he's like a roasting pig 'cause Nick Wiger roasted him so hard. And that pig has been marinating in weak sauce. tartan, you okay, buddy?
  22. Bozos of Basketball

    HWH project

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/046ezkwzy2txwod/Ghost%20John.wav Does this work? Never dropped box before.
  23. Bozos of Basketball

    HWH project

    I will send you the file tonight, VB. Also, your kind words are making my day.