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Bozos of Basketball

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Everything posted by Bozos of Basketball

  1. I am going to go way out on a limb and then jump off a hand! Just kidding, that was a little humor to break the ice. I'm new. I am going to go WAY out on a limb and say that Tom Scharpling is one of my favorite Hollywood Handbook frequent collaborators that has been on three episodes or more.
  2. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 376 β€” Romantic Tommy D

    Wow, Scott gets confronted with a Would You Rather scenario and breaks all the rules instantly. Started making his choice right away. Didn't wait for Claudia to open the floor for questions. Common courtesy goes both ways, Scotty!
  3. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 374 β€” Tick Tock Clawk

    It takes a Timekeeper appearance to realize how often you use and/or hear the word "time" in your everyday life.
  4. CONGRATULATIONS ON 100 EPISODES!!!!!!!!!!!!! #spont
  5. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 98 β€” John Cochran Again, Our Close Friend

    I listened to Who Charted. Hayes, you know why I'm mad.
  6. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 96 β€” Tom Scharpling Again, Our Close Friend

    What was everyone's time when they had to go darkest, scariest and meanest for a role, like the guys talked about? For me it was Street Fighter 2: Turbo, which never did go to theaters because we all had to go so dark for our characters and the director made us not only act the roles but also push the buttons and work the joysticks. I played E.Honda and was told to just keep hitting Y rapidly and moving my arms up and down a billion miles per hour over-and-over. Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Why, Why, WHY? WHY?!?!
  7. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 95 β€” Mike Still, Our Close Friend

    (HAYES DO NOT READ) That video is a beautiful masterpiece. Sean, please don't take the fact that I was in the Hayes birthday video and not the Sean birthday video as me liking Hayes more, because really, I like you more and that Hayes video was shit anyway. You know that. I've just been really busy and sometimes you gotta be "looking out for #1" like the song says, ya know? (HAYES CAN READ NOW. SEAN DO NOT READ) Heh, "sick vid," huh Hayes? More like Happy Barfday, right? You know you my boy from the block, dawg. Couple Harvard boys doin' big things. You attended school there and I just fed the birds in the sanctuary but I feel like we still have that comradery, ya know?
  8. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 94 β€” Hayley Huntley, Hayes' Daughter

    ISIS eye cyst. Could that be something?
  9. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 94 β€” Hayley Huntley, Hayes' Daughter

    This episode is offensive.
  10. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 93 β€” Patrick Walsh, Our Close Friend

    Fun fact about Griffey as a Reds player: in one of his first at-bats in a Reds uniform the bat flew out of his hands and hit the 10-year-old granddaughter of the Reds owner right in her little noggin.
  11. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 93 β€” Patrick Walsh, Our Close Friend

    Chanson, I don't think I can solve your puzzle but I do think Edgar MartΓ­nez research may be your best next course of action that will lead to the answer. 2247 hits and a .312 average over an 18 season career in the majors. That's gotta be something! Geez, I'd love to keep sleuthing this one out with you but my pager is beeping. I think it's Gary Payton. Good luck with the mystery, ChanMan!
  12. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 93 β€” Patrick Walsh, Our Close Friend

    As a birthday gift how about a couple classic posts?!
  13. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    Season 3 should be starring the old lady from Wedding Singer who makes Adam Sandler's character hold the meatballs and raps Sugar Hill Gang. Her name will be Trudy Tective and she'll solve the mystery at her nursing home of who contaminated all the apple sauce with crushed up Viagra.
  14. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    We didn't get to submit Popcorn Gallery questions for these guests so I'm just going to write here exactly what I would have if asked. Hey Valerie Bryant, what are you like Kobe's sister? Hey Tim Treese, do you ever lose the forest? Hey Anastasia Vigo, do you like the AV Club? I'm going to change my Earwolf name to Anastasia Vigo Mortensen, do you like that? Hey Adam Rost, which Rost was your favorite, Bob Saget, Charlie Sheen or Justin Beiber?
  15. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    I know I can't beat Spunky so I won't even try.
  16. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    When are you going to let him start playing Mortal Kombat?
  17. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    Fuk, did I miss that banga at Ty's?
  18. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    Act like real people... interesting request coming from a bear.
  19. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    This is probably an unpopular opinion but I believe all of my forum friends did a really good job being on the podcast.
  20. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 91 β€” Tom Scharpling, Our Close Friend

    I know you all already know my Twitter stuff from my signature every time you read it closely needing to know more about "the man behind the golden posts."
  21. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 91 β€” Tom Scharpling, Our Close Friend

    Maybe we could throw an asterisk next to "one" there. There's been a few wild claims recently that could affect our total Chanson count.
  22. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 91 β€” Tom Scharpling, Our Close Friend

    Agata you know I just playin' and I am filled with joy from the "hat tip."
  23. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 91 β€” Tom Scharpling, Our Close Friend

    Who writes these descriptions, Carlos Mencia?
  24. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 90 β€” Brian Huskey, Our LIVE Friend

    Yeah, maybe that'd be true if TOM CAME ON HOLLYWOOD HANDBOOK!
  25. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 90 β€” Brian Huskey, Our LIVE Friend

    Shit, sorry for the delay. Here it comes.