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Bozos of Basketball

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Everything posted by Bozos of Basketball

  1. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 83 — Nick Kroll, Our Close Friend

    Allowed, sure. No holds barred here. But, I would only do it if you're okay with taking a lot of heat, hate and aggressive ridicule for posting the brag. Based on your track record, I'm going to guess this won't be a problem for you.
  2. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 83 — Nick Kroll, Our Close Friend

    Depends on the Engineer and who you're trying to brag to. Personally, I'm #BrettOrBust but I know a lot of people here are #CodyCronies or #SamperFi.
  3. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 82 — Neil Casey, Our Close Friend

    For this answer I would direct you to the "With Special Guest" forum for the week of Hayes and Sean's appearance as well as the HH thread from that week. It was a whole thing.
  4. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 82 — Neil Casey, Our Close Friend

    Judging by today's CBB ads, I think next week is the week.
  5. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 82 — Neil Casey, Our Close Friend

    Burdie! Good to see you, old friend. Did you fly south for the winter and now you're back?
  6. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 82 — Neil Casey, Our Close Friend

    SteveH, I am sorry you had to go through that. You should've gone to the door of that old (money)bag and demanded $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  7. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 82 — Neil Casey, Our Close Friend

    If you want the details I think they're in this document somewhere:
  8. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 82 — Neil Casey, Our Close Friend

    I'm not familiar enough with the script to know how much the characters pay in the store scenes.
  9. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 82 — Neil Casey, Our Close Friend

    I think of all the guests who "got it" Pauly Shore "got it" the most. You could really feel Pauly's tongue nestle into his cheek when he told Sean not to wheeze the juice like a homo.
  10. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 82 — Neil Casey, Our Close Friend

    I've been down with the club for awhile that's why I wear a belt buckle that says Pen15 and has a down arrow.
  11. Everyone should friend me on here so I can do nothing with it but not feel left out.
  12. You're sick, Kittens! Gross! Nasty! It's like you purposely made something friggin' grody to the max!
  13. I just searched for it. And found it! And liked it! This thing is Linsane and makes me dizzy and there are two buff dudes that represent my logo. How did I not see this before? Fuck, I'm like #51. One earlier and I would've been the one to make the post officially POPULAR. I'm a damn failure. Goodbye everyone.
  14. Sillylillyquee, I don't believe we have interacted yet. Please feel free to use this exchange as your inspiration.
  15. Interesting that Sean and Hayes are claiming that the self-addressed and stamped envelopes provided for the return of the Because of Winn-Dixie DVDs (with their autographs) weren't big enough when there is an obvious solution to this "problem." Demonstration: Anyone else think the boys may be a tad more excited than they led on about two fresh copies of Because of Winn-Dixie plopping down on their table? Guess I won't be seeing those discs back and tbh, good riddance because I prefer movies with cars in them to those with dogs, and I'm a cat person. I figured you guys could keep the cases to store your elastic bands or mini-frisbees but I guess that's not good enough. Good guest, I guess but I think it's pretty understandable that I had a hard time getting excited about him, or them or wherever. Deuces, dudes.
  16. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 80 — Jon Gabrus Again, Our Close Friend

    Alex, you and your bud seem to have mastered the small computers movies format so much that now you're just in regular small movies. Isn't that moving backwards?
  17. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 80 — Jon Gabrus Again, Our Close Friend

    Sorry I have been away. Haven't read any posts for awhile. Is Josh actually cool? Do we know yet?
  18. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 79 — Mary Holland, Our Close Friend

    Dixon, now that is movies, right?
  19. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 79 — Mary Holland, Our Close Friend

    Boy, I step away from the forums for a few thousand posts and now there are people OTHER THAN TIM declaring themselves members of #teamtreese? I think John Lennon and Mary have the same horny noises. I heard him yelling the same stuff a few decades ago when he was having sex nearby. Sorry everybody. Gonna crawl back in my hole now.
  20. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 78 — Listeners Again, Our Close Friends

    TotesAwesome, that cat.... I'm speechless. Thank you.
  21. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 78 — Listeners Again, Our Close Friends

    This made me like SteveH slightly more. Passing grade. Chandler Bing . com on the other hand.....
  22. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 77 — The ScuzzMan, Dom's Close Friend

    In European Vacation when Rusty Griswald tells his family he is feeling "scuzzed out," do you think he had listened to this episode too many times? Because I'm on listen #2 right now and I don't see how that's possible.
  23. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 77 — The ScuzzMan, Dom's Close Friend

    Happy to know that if either of the boys ever disappear again Dom Toretto will be there to pick up the pieces. Great fill-in and I'm sorry but IMHO The Scuzzman was a pretty great get that guy ain't at every beach.
  24. Bozos of Basketball

    EPISODE 342 — A Silicon Valley P-Cast

    This is great.
  25. Bozos of Basketball

    Episode 76 — Hal Rudnick, Our Close Friend

    Hey Goldie, what was it like getting posterized? Basketball players don't wanna do it but it seemed to work for you.