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Everything posted by liamecrow

  1. Dear Matty B, I just wanted to respond to your questions presented on the show. I listened to the first case closed and skipped the second one due to your warning, but it was just because I was falling asleep listening to an episode of i4h and I figured it would probably rattle me a little. That being said, I am really surprised that 1000 listeners would go away because of that segment. I have been a huge fan of yours for a long time, and it just seems like people who would react super negatively to that probably would find something else down the line to be upset about, because you definitely have a challenging and sometimes-confrontational stage persona. As for the musical episodes, I am on the fence. I am not really into alt country or acoustic sets, and sometimes the musical episodes don't have enough improv for my taste. I am more into "experimental" (in quotes because I mean interesting and non-dance-club focused) electronic music and lush rock arrangements. I do however completely relate to your desire to turn people on to new music that maybe they wouldn't have ever thought to listen to on their own, and share your strong distaste for unchallenging and cynical corporate pop drivel. The most recent musical episode, while I forget the artist, ended up leading to some excellent skits, and I actually did enjoy the lyrics and musical arrangements, although it's not something I would listen to on my own. That being said, keep trying, maybe I'll grow into it. Also, it's easy to skip the songs and just listen to the skits. I just want to close this by saying that your refreshing honesty and integrity to your craft trumps any misgivings I could have about your opinions, and anybody who doesn't recognize that, either is going to be impossible to win over, or needs to just power through it and keep listening. Keep up the amazing work, -Miles B.