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Charlie Murphy Brown

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Everything posted by Charlie Murphy Brown

  1. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    Just finished wrapping all my presents. Got some pop rocks for my brother's kids (he has 5) just as a little treat, hardly a gift, you know. So I wrapped the pop rocks then put them in the bottom of a shoe box beneath an old sneaker, then wrapped that shoe box up and put it in a larger shoe box which I also wrapped. This package I put down in the bottom of a very large box my desk came in (looks like the size of a foosball or mini-air hockey table) and put a layer of plastic bags over the wrapped shoe boxes. Then I took another slimmer box and put an old oily rag in there and wrapped it up and put it closer to the top of the large box so the kids will find it first. Then I shoved in some more plastic bags and finally wrapped up the large box. Now I'm thinking of printing out some "Fragile handle with care" "Caution: Contains hazardous material" or "Beware of dog" signs but I might just do a nice bow so they don't suspect anything. The plan is to let them open it later in the day, hopefully building up the anticipation. They will be getting real gifts tomorrow so I don't think they will overreact. I mean, pop rocks are pretty great so everyone wins
  2. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    beeface, if you don't mind me asking, are you an Australian citizen or do you just live there?
  3. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    We're only following your lead Cisco. Hopefully beeface, urinalcake and Weiser will make a good showing as well Be careful Shrek, you don't want to be making too much sense or people will get suspicious that you've hired Stephen King as a ghostwriter for your twisted tale, which could jeopardize the whole operation. But please do carry on
  4. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    I heard you first had to be a live Christmas person in order to then turn into a dead Christmas ghost. Considering a career change?
  5. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    Ok look, here's what I'm thinking, everybody loves a Christmas miracle, right? If we can get Cisco's thread to surpass the "real" thread (no offense Dalton) then we will triumph and live in infamy, our names etched upon the winds of immortality. Normally this would be a daunting task, but with the holidays and the numbers down it is totally possible. If we each somehow found a way to post ten times then we're right in the hunt. One motivated mind could actually do it alone, though that's asking a lot. I would love to take the lead on this but I've got too much going already. And don't worry, the posts hardly have to make sense, but it's a bonus if they do. Don't lose sight of the goal, the bigger picture. You can count on the others to toss around a few likes to make it worthwhile, although we all know that this goes far beyond some menial bump in credentials. I'm pretty sure that only CiscoKid and the rest of us even know of this thread's existence, so we should be able to proceed unencumbered. We may eventually get some bigtime forum people to bandwagon onto our cause, at that point we say- Join us Friends, in making CiscoKid's Amazing Forum Christmas Miracle come true!!
  6. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 165 - Max Silvestri, Our Close Friend

    Strong opening salvos from both general managers. Joe jumping right in with the homicidal threats, while greggy tries to play to the sympathetic side of us all. This could be an effective strategy when it comes time for the audience poll, but the question on everyone's mind still remains: will Tahini Sauce be able to match up against the powerful Moai statues?
  7. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Max SilvestrI, Our Close Friend

    good ep. good thread. it will be due to daring efforts such as these if we're ever able to overtake HDTGM I'd always assumed it was bee face. oh well, here's to the mysteries of life
  8. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 165 - Max Silvestri, Our Close Friend

    This was a very hilarious ep. Max was top notch. Good to see Hayes step up and try to out do Sean in the intro. And they told us that they weren't into battling each other. Hmm, how things can change Last Week's Conference Championships results: HAYES FOOTBALL CONFERENCE Mutant League Football, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, the Howie Scream & Easter Island Moai statues OVER Made with real Koenig Sugar, 38-31 SEAN FOOTBALL CLEMFERENCE The Flint Mi Marc-Maron-i And Cheeses OVER Knights of Columbus & The Power of David Bowie, 27-24 This week's HHFFFL Pro-Version goes to PFT. His prizes are a pasta filled taco, a pimple free tomato and a Pensacola, Florida timeshare
  9. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 165 - Max Silvestri, Our Close Friend

    sucret chanson?
  10. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 164 - Tom Scharpling, Our Christmas Show Architect

    In a rage Hayes struggled against his bindings. It smelled dark and he heard tension in the room. Becoming still to work his sensory perceptions, he did cross the threshold into the twelfth level of awareness, felt a presence coming near but staying silent. "Sean I swear if you give me another wet willy I will curb stomp your left clavicle!" Hayes had foolishly agreed to recreate the back-to-back chair scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where everything ends up catching on fire. Sean had politely tied up and blindfolded Hayes, but then wouldn't let Engineer Sam tie him down next and was now running about insisting he'd been possessed by a wicked old banshee hag named Martina. It frustrated Hayes that nobody else was taking the Winter solstice séance ceremony seriously. Sam had fled the studio in terror so there was no one to record it if they made contact with the other side. "Fine Sean, then I'll just summon the spirits on my own. But don't expect me to ask them anything about your future!" Again a blur of movement flew right behind the captive, a hand quickly mussing up his finely curated mane of golden honey locks. "Wet willy!" screamed the gleeful hag, and with a moist digit did defile young Davenport's ear hole with reckless abandon. Dancing around victorious, Martina proclaimed: "Seems to me this Winter solstice séance ceremony is coming off quite smashing!" Then came an evil cackle and the defeated prisoner could hear Martina rubbing her hands together in anticipation. "Hayes, you do know what happens next don't you?" Then Big Poppa Hayes recalled the Last Crusade scene that they'd set out to execute and had an awful unpleasantness that started to spread throughout his entire being. "Fire?" With a savagely uproarious loff the banshee Martina doused the room in gasoline, took out her wand and with a violent slashing motion hollered out "Incendio!" as their universes burned glorious and bright
  11. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 164 - Tom Scharpling, Our Christmas Show Architect

    Hands down one of the kooshest and most crackalackin shows I ever heard! Loved it when Tom came through with a killer line that got a good chuckle from the boys Last Week's Divisional Round Results: HAYES FOOTBALL CONFERENCE Made with real Koenig Sugar OVER Ira Glass & DVD of K-Pax, 31-21 Mutant League Football, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, the Howie Scream & Easter Island Moai statues OVER The Hollywood Name-Droppers, 42-38 SEAN FOOTBALL CLEMFERENCE Knights of Columbus & The Power of David Bowie OVER The New Hampshire Diarrhea Idiots, 27-24 The Flint Mi Marc-Maron-i And Cheeses OVER the War of Northern Aggression, 20-17 OT This week's HHFFFL Pro-Version goes to Henry, thejjar and Shitbird. Not sure if they've got it before but my suspicion is that they haven't. Their prize is hidden in the bottom of a Cracker Jack box located behind the toilet in the handicap stall of the restroom just south of shoeshine station six in Denver International Airport
  12. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 163 - Yassir Lester, Our Close Friend

    This holiday season remember to spend time with the ones you love. A bunch of us are gonna go hang out in back of the Dairy Queen and kick holes in cardboard boxes. You're more than welcome to come along
  13. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 163 - Yassir Lester, Our Close Friend

    Solid intro. Great ads. Killer digeridoo. Cody straight up defeated them all with his logical refusal to answer questions. The rest of the show was just Yassir and the boys trying to recover from having their asses handed to them LAST WEEK'S WILD CARD ROUND RESULTS: HAYES FOOTBALL CONFERENCE Made with real Koenig Sugar OVER Fart Sound & Friends, 34-24 The Hollywood Name-Droppers OVER The Pietá & the Memory of Big Floppy Guy, 21-17 Mutant League Football, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, the Howie Scream & Easter Island Moai statues OVER Team Joes Lerini, 56-23 Ira Glass & DVD of K-Pax OVER The Lochteaser Freezer, 27-24 OT SEAN FOOTBALL CLEMFERENCE The New Hampshire Diarrhea Idiots OVER Engineer in the Headlights, 42-20 The Flint Mi Marc-Maron-I And Cheeses OVER Ledecky Don't Know Defense, 38-31 The War of Northern Aggression OVER Dick Jokes, Vaping Hard af & Blowing Huge Clouds & Being the Smartest Kid in Class but Not Doing any Work, 27-21 Knights of Columbus & The Power of David Bowie OVER The Winnipeg Murder, 30-14 This week's HHFFFL Pro-Version goes to Scott Aukerman. His prize is no longer having to do CBB tv show. If you or a loved one would like to receive the Pro-Version during the remainder of the playoffs, please post a message saying as much. Of course the HHFFFL Pro-Version is nowhere near as classy as the real HH Pro-Version, but it's all that we have left. NOTE: This limited time offer is only for those who have never received the Pro-Version. Anyone caught trying to double or triple up on Pro-Versions will be sternly reprimanded and called all sorts of awful names
  14. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 162 - D'Arcy Carden, Our Close Friend

    I am generally not the kind of person to piss on people's petunias, but I thought I should let you all know that I voted for Trum-
  15. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 162 - D'Arcy Carden, Our Close Friend

    Yes, thank you Joe. Smack talking your playoff opponent is totally acceptable and even mildly encouraged. If you would all just be so kind as to keep people's mamas and such out of it If I could also take a moment to apologize ahead of time for the fact that not everyone can win the 2017 Big Game Catch Time Snuper Bowl 1 (coming to a stadiums near you). We have tried to make this a competitive debut season for the league. No one knows if there will ever be another. But for now it's all we got. For those of you concerned that we might be pulling these results out of thin air, know that many factors go into determining the victors in each game. We have assessed your players and how they match up with an opponent, taken into account numerous statistics from your forum profile, cross-referenced those against your Good Witch-Bad Witch Rating, and then of course we consider how funny, smart and dope is your team name. We take all that out back and our Gypsy neighbor make a slime, which upon ingestion make us puke and see the scores there before us minds
  16. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 162 - D'Arcy Carden, Our Close Friend

    Wow! Someone has been brushing up on the intro. Now how will Hayes react next ep? What an exciting development in the saga that is the evolution of the opening to the show. D'Arcy was thrilling and bold. A true champion. You could tell she came to play right from the first beat This week's Pro-Version goes to no one. AKA The forumer formerly known as TV's Fred Savage. AKA one person. AKA Zack Hinderberger. His prize is a small but very real place in the annals of HH lore, which is all any of us could ask for
  17. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 161 - Ryan Stanger, Our Close Friend

    This one time in boot camp they took us to the base auditorium for Thanksgiving and showed us Braveheart on the big screen and let us buy candy to eat and stopped screaming at us for a whole afternoon. This other time in boot camp someone sent me a mini fold-out paper Christmas tree and the drill instructor let me set it up on my footlocker Christmas Eve night through the morning. Then this other time in boot camp they made us keep filling up our canteens and drinking water until everyone in the platoon puked and then we had to clean all that up. Happy Holidays!
  18. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 161 - Ryan Stanger, Our Close Friend

    I'm thankful for all you blessed sums of brightness. Here's to you and yours! I liked this ep and how Stanger very sincerely said 'good grief' several times near the end. What a classy gent. My fitness tip: haven't been to a gym since 2000, but lost 150 lbs from 07-09 by power walking outside everyday and eating better. Just invest in some fresh kicks and wear them suckers out HH forum fantasy football league WEEK FIFTEEN FINAL SCORES: Knights of Columbus & The Power of David Bowie OVER The Flint Mi Marc-Maron-i And Cheeses, 24-20 Made with real Koenig Sugar OVER Engineer in the Headlights, 17-13 The Lochteaser Freezer OVER The Winnipeg Murder, 30-21 The War of Northern Aggression OVER Team Joes Lerini, 14-10 The New Hampshire Diarrhea Idiots OVER Mutant League Football, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, The Howie Scream & Easter Island Moai statues, 34-31 Ledecky Don't Know Defense OVER Fart Sound & Friends. 6-3 Ira Glass & DVD of K-Pax OVER The Pietá & The Memory of Big Floppy Guy, 28-27 The Hollywood Name-Droppers OVER Dick Jokes, Vaping Hard AF & Blowing Huge F*cking Clouds & Being the Smartest Kid in Class but Not Doing Any Work, 31-24 This week's Pro-Version goes to the Engineers. This includes Brett, Cody, Sam and Ryan plus anyone else who has acted as engineer in some form or other for the show. Their prize is a $25 gift card for Guitar Center and a Gemini T-Minus Zero KL-1 Frequency Eliminator, only slightly used HHFFFL WEEK FIFTEEN POWER RANKINGS: Hayes Football Conference 1. Made with real Koenig Sugar (11-4) 2. The Hollywood Name-Droppers (10-5) 3. Mutant League Football, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, The Howie Scream & Easter Island Moai statues (10-5) 4. Ira Glass & DVD of K-Pax (9-6) 5. The Lochteaser Freezer (9-6) 6. The Pietá & The Memory of Big Floppy Guy (6-8) 7. Team Joes Lerini (7-8) 8. Fart Sound & Friends (2-13) Sean Football Clemference 1. The New Hampshire Diarrhea Idiots (11-4) 2. The Flint Mi Marc-Maron-i And Cheeses (10-5) 3. Knights of Columbus & The Power of David Bowie (9-6) 4. The War of Northern Aggression (9-6) 5. The Winnipeg Murder (7-8) 6. Dick Jokes, Vaping Hard AF & Blowing Huge Clouds & Being Smartest Kid in Class but Not Doing Any Work (7-8) 7. Ledecky Don't Know Defense (2-13) 8. Engineer in the Headlights (0-15) WEEK SIXTEEN MATCH-UPS: The New Hampshire Diarrhea Idiots VS The Lochteaser Freezer Made with real Koenig Sugar VS The Winnipeg Murder The Flint Mi Marc-Maron-i And Cheeses VS Ledecky Don't Know Defense The Hollywood Name-Droppers VS Engineer in the Headlights Team Joes Lerini VS Fart Sound & Friends Knights of Columbus & The Power of David Bowie VS The Pietá & the Memory of Big Floppy Guy The War of Northern Aggression VS Dick Jokes, Vaping Hard AF & Blowing Huge F*cking Clouds & Being the Smartest Kid in Class But Not Doing Any Work Ira Glass & DVD of K-Pax VS Mutant League Football, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, the Howie Scream & Easter Island Moai statues
  19. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 161 - Ryan Stanger, Our Close Friend

    I too man, I too
  20. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 160 - Beth Newell and Sarah Pappalardo, Our Close Friends

    "I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual." -Henry David Thoreau
  21. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 160 - Beth Newell and Sarah Pappalardo, Our Close Friends

    I listen to this amazing ep on Tuesday, on yesterday and again on today. Beth and Sarah were superb. I can't come up with anything clever to say but will probably listen again to make sure I've absorbed all its sweet goodness And for those who might say well Hayes should be Brain because this and that? I guess there's no pleasing everyone HH forum fantasy football league WEEK FOURTEEN FINAL SCORES: Made with real Koenig Sugar OVER The Pietá & The Memory of Big Floppy Guy, 31-24 The Flint Mi Marc-Maron-i And Cheeses OVER The New Hampshire Diarrhea Idiots, 38-35 The Winnipeg Murder OVER The Hollywood Name-Droppers, 20-17 The War of Northern Aggression OVER Knights of Columbus & The Power of David Bowie, 28-21 The Lochteaser Freezer OVER Fart Sound & Friends, 14-10 Ira Glass & DVD of K-Pax OVER Engineer in the Headlights, 30-27 Mutant League Football, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, the Howie Scream & Easter Island Moai statues OVER Ledecky Don't Know Defense, 26-14 Dick Jokes, Vaping Hard AF & Blowing Huge F*cking Clouds & Being Smartest Kid in Class but Not Doing Any Work OVER Team Joes Lerini, 24-21 This Week's Pro-Version goes to Larry Birdemic. His prize is probably great and exceptionally fantastic were he ever around to claim it I suppose people would say how it was awful keen and truly befitting such a soul as Larry B HHFFFL WEEK FOURTEEN POWER RANKINGS: Hayes Football Conference 1. Made with real Koenig Sugar (10-4) 2. Mutant League Football, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, the Howie Scream & Easter Island Moai Statues (10-4) 3. The Hollywood Name-Droppers (9-5) 4. Ira Glass & DVD of K-Pax (8-6) 5. The Lochteaser Freezer (8-6) 6. The Pietá & The Memory of Big Floppy Guy (6-7) 7. Team Joes Lerini (7-7) 8. Fart Sound & Friends (2-12) Sean Football Clemference 1. The Flint Mi Marc-Maron-i And Cheeses (10-4) 2. The New Hampshire Diarrhea Idiots (10-4) 3. Knights of Columbus & The Power of David Bowie (8-6) 4. The War of Northern Aggression (8-6) 5. The Winnipeg Murder (7-7) 6. Dick Jokes, Vaping Hard AF & Blowing Huge Clouds & Being Smartest Kid in Class but Not Doing Any Work (7-7) 7. Ledecky Don't Know Defense (1-13) 8. Engineer in the Headlights (0-13) WEEK FIFTEEN MATCH-UPS: The Flint Mi Marc-Maron-i And Cheeses VS Knights of Columbus & The Power of David Bowie Made with real Koenig Sugar VS Engineer in the Headlights The Lochteaser Freezer VS The Winnipeg Murder The War of Northern Aggression VS Team Joes Lerini Ledecky Don't Know Defense VS Fart Sound & Friends The New Hampshire Diarrhea Idiots VS Mutant League Football, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, the Howie Scream & Easter Island Moai Statues The Hollywood Name-Droppers VS Dick Jokes, Vaping Hard AF & Blowing Huge F*cking Clouds & Being Smartest Kid in Class but Not Doing Any Work Ira Glass & DVD of K-Pax VS The Pietá & The Memory of Big Floppy Guy
  22. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 159 - Jessica McKenna, Our Vote Video Person

    into the looking glass they fell, one after the other until all that remained were their empty shadows laying lifeless on the sierra mist soaked subway station floor
  23. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 159 - Jessica McKenna, Our Vote Video Person

    all I can think about during most of Westworld HHFFFL Week Thirteen Power Rankings: Hayes Football Conference 1. Made with real Koenig Sugar (9-4) 2. The Hollywood Name-Droppers (9-4) 3. Mutant League Football, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, the Howie Scream & Easter Island Moai statues (9-4) 4. Ira Glass & DVD of K-Pax (7-6) 5. The Lochteaser Freezer (7-6) 6. Team Joes Lerini (7-6) 7. The Pietá & the Memory of Big Floppy Guy (6-6) 8. Fart Sound & Friends (2-11) Sean Football Clemference 1. The New Hampshire Diarrhea Idiots (10-3) 2. The Flint Mi Marc-Maron-i And Cheeses (9-4) 3. Knights of Columbus & The Power of David Bowie (8-5) 4. The War of Northern Aggression (7-6) 5. The Winnipeg Murder (6-7) 6. Dick Jokes, Vaping Hard AF & Blowing Clouds & Being Smartest Kid in Class but not Doing any work (6-7) 7. Ledecky Don't Know Defense (1-12) 8. Engineer in the Headlights (0-12) Week Fourteen match-ups: Made with real Koenig Sugar VS The Pietá & the Memory of Big Floppy Guy The Hollywood Name-Droppers VS The Winnipeg Murder The New Hampshire Diarrhea Idiots VS The Flint Mi Marc-Maron-i And Cheeses The Knights of Columbus & The Power of David Bowie VS The War of Northern Aggression The Lochteaser Freezer VS Fart Sound & Friends Ira Glass & DVD of K-Pax VS Engineer in the Headlights Mutant League Football, Bela Lugosi as Dracula, the Howie Scream & Easter Island Moai statues VS Ledecky Don't Know Defense Dick Jokes, Vaping Hard AF & Blowing Huge F*cking Clouds & Being Smartest Kid in Class but not Doing any Work VS Team Joes Lerini