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Charlie Murphy Brown

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Everything posted by Charlie Murphy Brown

  1. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 146 - Gabe Delahaye, Our Close Friend

    Manti (man-tie) is only interested in getting the ball & so would not respond to such sound reasoning or an appeal to his humanity. It's basically a the last boy scout scenario Larry has created so now it falls to The Troops as usual. Pssh, i don't know, sure wish there was someone who could help us out, oh well. Blimps take out stadiums everyday I guess. & it looks like SteveH's killer combo of Roy Scheider & tahini sauce may be on a direct collision course for a week one match-up with A Nice Cold Beer
  2. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 146 - Gabe Delahaye, Our Close Friend

    alright, day 1 match-up has greggy's The Troops with their app-controlled toaster taking on Larry's Manti Te'o with an AK-47. mwn's Nice Cold Beer looks formidable, no doubt a tough match-up come the playoffs. Valerie bryant nails the national anthem & it's kickoff time! The Troops receive the ball at the one yard line, Manti Te'o is charging down the field firing his AK wildly into the air. Several rounds hit a blimp, which begins its descent down towards the action
  3. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 146 - Gabe Delahaye, Our Close Friend

    Yes, you can pretty much draft anyone or anything, but I would stay away from Russian athletes in general
  4. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 146 - Gabe Delahaye, Our Close Friend

    HH forum fantasy football begins now. I select Bo Jackson from Tecmo super bowl on the NES, Katie Ledecky, plus AZ Cardinals defense because i hear that's also a thing. Basic draft rules, set your mulligans to auto-correct Also, Cody called Ronna "ma'am" & she did not appreciate it at all. (Ronna & Beverly 139 @ 1:18:15)
  5. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 146 - Gabe Delahaye, Our Close Friend

    I'm typically not the kind of person to blow smoke up nice peoples b-holes, but the opening ads & intro alone were epic. gabe was strong straight down the power alley. choice, oh sweetie do I got lympic fever. go us
  6. cody's hair is out of control on the live who charted. clem dawg sporting a grey jacket. so much crossover lately. thanks Auden! you can actually watch them drinking water. thrilling. I even do that sometimes. we are all one
  7. Wow, just saw this on drudge report, turns out Hayes' middle name is actually Handbook. No lie. Katie Couric has also mentioned it several times on her podcast, about how he is a real life Hollywood Handbook. That's the true origin of the show. The whole Scoop Troupe get your pens out and jot down these industry tips angle was just a clever smoke screen put up by Sean to cover for Hayes being so embarrassed and thinking he had the worst middle name, until he finally realized that he had the best
  8. pokemon dough oys-bay an-cay uck-say a ig-bay at-fay emdawg-clay irthday-bay
  9. I'm so glad there's a pokemon go angle to this episode's forum. I did watch the cartoons after school for a while so I can appreciate the allure of this madness. Also is it possible that the future arch-enemy of HH is even now in among us leaving comments about the show? then they'll eventually turn against us and try to bring ruin upon the House of Handbook. We thought it was adam sachs because you know the numeric value of his name is four five, five four, hmm that sounds familiar. Or maybe a nemesis never rises & we hang out with a healthy dose of fantasy & infighting
  10. This ep was interesting and very fun! It was never only about the education
  11. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 144 - Howard Kremer, Our Close Friend

    probly that ladder he's got, or his favorite kid's amazing technicolor dreamcoat
  12. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 144 - Howard Kremer, Our Close Friend

    As we approach, the dawning of a new episode, in these trying times, do not fear, for there is still hope, and change in the center console of dirty pete's cargo van. Also, does anyone know when the voting will be for this year's awards such as least liked forum member, class clown, and most likely to suck seed (weed joke)? If elected, I will put pop machines in the bathroom stalls & candy cigarettes in your grandma's overalls Public service announcement: I have been seeing quite a lot of vehicles broke down on the side of the freeway. Everyone please make sure you have a spare tire in your vehicle, along with a car jack and tire iron. Rotate your tires every 6,000 miles, oil change every 3,000 miles, and check your fluids regularly (coolant in radiator, brake fluid, power steering fluid, etc). Or at least have a mechanically inclined friend do this for you. Getting stuck on the side of the road can totally ruin a day, week, or even month. That's all. Thanks and have a nice Sunday!
  13. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 144 - Howard Kremer, Our Close Friend

    I know H&S are best buds and their whole thing is teamwork and not doing battles but at the same time it seems like the game is to be the funniest and make the other buss up and emit strange noises from holding in all the bussing up and then usually in the intro Sean is extra funny to try and throw off Hayes so are H&S actually in constant fierce humor warring but it's the best kind where jokes is weapons and instead of blood and being hurt the colossal destruction shows itself in the form of odd sounds from futile efforts to stifle all the hilarity. But why not just give in and embrace the loffs because as we all know loffs is strength and also the best medicine like in this week's ep when H&S gave howard a couple real big ones & happy be(ing)lated birthday silvrwoman
  14. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 144 - Howard Kremer, Our Close Friend

    hearing howard chuckling underneath the boys' intro was a great way to ease in to this ep. plus, nice synchronicity for dragon boy suede to wear his "H" hat. H + HH = a winning combination
  15. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 143 - Showrunners Panel, Our Major Event

    Pastamon (audio teaser). Tried to add some island flavor https://soundcloud.c...rwoven/pastamon
  16. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 142 - The Great Debates, Our Close Friends

    as per greggy's request, tock is clicking
  17. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 142 - The Great Debates, Our Close Friends

    The greatest debate: Who stole the cookies? The newest graphic tee added to my formal attire. ( 69! )
  18. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 142 - The Great Debates, Our Close Friends

    Those were some great debates, feeling more informed already. Such a battle of wits it was. I had an Ouma too, she was my mom's mom. Her real name was Mabel, she also went by Curly. She could yodel and play the accordion. Anyone else have an Ouma?
  19. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 141 - Karen Kilgariff, Our Close Friend

    T-minus too many seconds and counting... pika pika
  20. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 141 - Karen Kilgariff, Our Close Friend

    Our ---------- Andy Our --------- Andy Our ------- Andy Our ------ Andy Our ---- Andy Our --- Andy Our -- Andy Our-Andy OurAndy is rAndy Karen really brought it. Great ep!
  21. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 140 - Sharon Horgan, Our Close Friend

    This was fun. Sharon was great, best example of a minimalist approach to podcasting I've ever heard Also what about Ron Howard as the ultimate corker of a guest? H&S could for sure make it work and have it be fun for all. I mean he's right there on the sticky note of the HH logo. Just saying that would be huge
  22. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 139 - Matt Besser, Our Crossovered Friend

    Neil Young was on wtf and they didn't even get into how he got started in comedy Anyone looking for names? Got em cheap. quality nomenclature. real strong. Hayes & Sean Penn & Teller. Steven Tyler Perry Mason Crosby & Nash for you mystery lovers. Charlie Parker Lewis Black & Mild for you jazzheads. Lenny Bruce Wayne Brady, Jennifer Jason Lee Marvin the Martian, only two pennies and they're yours. The others are three pennies each. Send all your pennies to me via sewer grate and have a nice day
  23. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 139 - Matt Besser, Our Crossovered Friend

    Besser is a pro. started out pushing back like he wasn't having any of it, then slowly got into playing the game. Classic bit asking how long the show was 25 minutes in. But Matt did have his shit buss up a few times. Another victory 4 H&S! happy birthday ashley! & i remember talking to Andy kneis on a call-in episode. a true gentlemen
  24. Charlie Murphy Brown

    Episode 139 - Matt Besser, Our Crossovered Friend

    I typically am not the type to piss folk off, but
  25. Charlie Murphy Brown


    Sean & Brett are friends, respek. okay I listened to the Doughboys with Claudia O'doherty. it was great probly because Claudia. Mitch is the best. I can appreciate Nick's passion & timing but the sound of his voice is irritating as fork! (five of them) I only speak English socially so I'm not exactly certain what this episode was about. Maybe what the guys were trying to say is that they dislike the aforementioned secret forum business because it only promotes division & exclusion (is what leader tell me to say). Anyway did you all heard lebron this & warriors that?