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Charlie Murphy Brown

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Posts posted by Charlie Murphy Brown

  1. Some of this ep was brilliant. Other bits were by all means not horrible. The rest of it was mostly great and wonderful. I gave my younger bro a kidney in 2013 so Hayes' favorite Castle being about organ donation was near and dear to my heart. After the transplant our Dad gave us matching watches with "Kidney Bros" etched on the back.

    • Like 11

  2. After re-examining both Max Silvestri threads side-by-side I am found that while Dalton supposedly acted in an official capacity by posting his, at base level he is still only an Advanced Member. Which is great. No doubt his parents are lovely people. But see CiscoKid is Patron Saint of Forum Threads. Says it right there above his picture. I am no biblical scholar but I'm certain that if this claim was unfounded then the church would quickly dispatch bible ninjas to get him like they did to tom hanks in da vinci code. That doesn't seem to have happened, so it must be legit! Anyway, the last thing we need is an angry Patron Saint, so...


    DALTON if you're listening, for crimes against the community, your penance shall only be considered paid if you make reference to the Patron Saint of Forum Threads in the next episode you put up. I am pretty sure that Sean & Hayes would want you to. Because after all we are one big happy family.


    Please do help make our Hanukkah dreams come true!

    • Like 4

  3. wow, you guys are tearing it up! yes, thanks Cisco. it worked out so that the oldest kid opened first and then went down in age until the youngest found the pop rocks underneath the shoe. I think they even held onto the rag and sneaker


    Welcome bob and Dalton. Now that we've gained support from an Earwolf employee that's basically like Jeff Ulrich and Adam sachs announcing the full-fledged cooperation of the entire midroll network. Right? hope I'm not misreading that


    you know what friends? I'm pretty sure this is exactly how America got started

    • Like 2

  4. One of my favorite parts of this episode was when Max and the boys were all talking out of their mouths, and listening through their ears. I also have my suspicions that they might've been seeing out of their eyes, and perish the thought, but perhaps even smelling out of their noses!

    • Like 2

  5. Nice avatar Shrek. though I'm not sure what it has to do with The Shrek, or ronomicon either for that matter


    Cisco, what's going on with the last letter of Max's last name in the thread title? Is that a capital i or lowercase L? Either way it's great because an error like only adds to the value of this thread. Similar to mistakes on baseball cards. In a couple years we may be able to get like a buck fifty for this thing
