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Everything posted by CodusPlex

  1. CodusPlex

    EPISODE 104 — ZARDOZ 2

    I saw "Zardos 2" and thought "What the hell?". Then I saw that June was the guest and thought "Hell yes!". Glad to see June gets to comment on this bat shit crazy ride of a movie!
  2. Hey guys! I freaking LOVE the show! Listen to it every day (been trying to get caught up lol) and my daughter loves the theme song (not the best parent). My fiance and I just saw Neighbors the other day and *SPOILERS* when the doctor came out to tell them their baby had HIV I screamed "Oh My God it's Jason!" *END SPOILERS* She thought I was crazy but, I digress. I love ripping on bad movies and I love what you guys do. I was wondering though, and I know you guys aren't super video game nerds but, I was wondering, have you ever thought or been approached by someone to lap the HDTGM name on a video game podcast? There are SO MANY horrible games out there! I have literally been playing games and thought "Why the fuck did they think this was a good idea?". I'm just saying, it could be awesome! Anyways, I'm gonna wrap this up now. Keep up the awesome work guys!
  3. CodusPlex

    HDTGM.....Video Game Edition?

    Nice! Awesome stuff guys! I've actually been talking with a couple of my friends today, we've all three wanted to do some sort of podcast but could never really think of anything and I brought this idea to them. We did decide that it'll be more of a web series than a podcast and more a MST3K kind of thing where we rip on the games AS we play them instead of playing them ahead of time. I know there are probably hundreds of shows like that but it'll be fun and hopefully we'll find our thing to make us stand out a bit more above the rest.