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Posts posted by DelinoDeshields

  1. It's still sad The Pete Holmes Show was cancelled. I take it more as where TV is than where he is. Pete is Pete. What other dude who is more genuinely funny, open, and nice -- no-one else tells retail life histories or talks about things that actually happen rather than celebrity nonsense. It's sad fucking sad -- but also the best acute angle for podcasts. Plato's Dialogues were about people talking to each other and the first form of lit. Podcasts are much closer to that than TV. Pete is the best podcaster, and apparently that has to be his thing when he doesn't even need to win at it because he is already best at it. TV is dumb.

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  2. Tough episode for Scott to host, but everyone was on their best game. Gemberling Robot needs a call back. Irish Girl needs a call back. Allison is a joy as himself -- been wondering what he's been up to since The State. Geniunely great guy. Great episode what could've been a disaster but surprised a classic CBB.

  3. This is a general statement that a lot of people disagree with. It might not be what YOU want, but I don't think it does an argument any good to make such a general statement that is easily refutable based on a lot of posts in this very forum!


    Nope. The show is loved diehardedly, but there's a fair collective groan vs. music episodes. If all were as good as this one though....
