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Posts posted by DelinoDeshields

  1. Besser seems to thrive on challenge and hating repeating himself. Repetition isn't fun unless forced spontaneous fun callback. Pope Voice/Neil Young. A guy who rather joins his own thing than ask people to join his thing. I think we just take what we get -- it's sad, if he was nicer it'd be great.

  2. Β 

    While I personally love Nick Kroll on the show I understand what you're feeling because I absolutely hate the shows with Jessica St. Claire and Lennon Parham.


    To each their own though


    This is a fun tell. I absolutely love St. Claire and Parham, but I hate Nick Kroll. People drummed me. I feel I'm wrong, but others are wrong too as subjective goes. Do people discern, hold favorites? Does everyone just like everything or commend who shines in the show

  3. The thing about Jim Parsons and what BARF said... He's certainly a smart, funny, talented dude. He's obviously self-aware. But that ridiculous show and every embarrassing commercial he mugs for it and now all the awards.... Suddenly being ironic about it seems a sad and weird defense mechanism. Like he's trying to build some cool-guy anti-hero mental buffer. If you know the show is dumb, stop doing the show. Do something else -- write a funny blog, start a funny podcast, GUEST on funny podcasts. Dude's a hack. Doing an unjoyful sitcom for the money is the definition of hack. Doing things like joyful podcasts for no money and as if no once cared is what comedy should be about.

    • Like 2

  4. can somebody please summarize this in one single sentence of maybe 5 words or just emojis if at all possible, tia.


    He says they're naturally talented and funny dudes and wants them to just speak as themselves. I think it'd be successful show too, but that kind of show is much, much harder and riskier than satire.

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  5. Β 

    If the butt of the joke were the store patrons I could see where you might have a point, but the focus of scorn in the Russ character is a multi-billion dollar corporation that seems to put the least amount of effort possible into maintaining its stores. The joke is *for* Ross shoppers.


    Very well-stated and something I didn't pick up on. Listening to it again, Wengert played it perfectly.

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  6. I don't think they were bashing Ross for being a thrift store, it just seemed like Wengert noticed how awful the "layout" is in there and created an insane character- one founded on an exaggeration of a very specific gripe about a specific department store


    We at Ross don't really focus on... merchandising...


    also "hayes and sean" isnt the name of a show

    Good point, listening to it again Wengert did steer clear from direct satire. And I can't think of Hollywood Handbook without hearing the girl sing "Here comes Hayes and Sean (Shawn?)" in my head.
