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Everything posted by SaltPeanuts

  1. SaltPeanuts

    I think I'm giving up on WC... :(

    It's just you
  2. SaltPeanuts

    Episode 269 - Friend Ships

    Brett's reaction to French's Yellow Mustard
  3. SaltPeanuts

    Episode 397 - My Silly Moss Man

    I was excited with the talk of Simpsons couch gags but then I look at the pictures, and Mr Al is just sitting there. Granted his eyes were open kind of wide but thats not much of a gag.
  4. SaltPeanuts


    Based on the Hey Gang recommendation I watched Coat of Many Colors, and I wept.
  5. SaltPeanuts

    26 We Can't Dance Together

    never forget
  6. SaltPeanuts


    I thought maybe they were prototypes of sorts to see if they could turn into a new show. Maybe the experiment wasn't received well? They're entertaining and interesting anyways, but I can see how maybe they wouldn't have a wide appeal.
  7. SaltPeanuts


    Good stuff! The clip from Kmart on Black Friday was fascinating.
  8. SaltPeanuts

    EPISODE 125 - Steel: LIVE!

    There was another possible dick joke. Around 1:05:05 Sparks says to Steel "you're about to get the blues", and then right after Steel gets shot right in his armor-covered balls. Blue balls!
  9. Did someone say fallout 4? Enjoying the show all the way in Diamond City!
  10. SaltPeanuts

    EPISODE 262 — Shamp and Cond

    Inspired by the holiday party talk. Can space and the ocean live in peace?
  11. SaltPeanuts

    EPISODE 245.5 — 8/14/15 TWO CHARTED 184

    I wish I was in Tiki Away, away
  12. SaltPeanuts

    EPISODE 116 — Top Dog: LIVE!

    Based on the ending is Reno anti-catholic? This would support the idea that Reno is really some grizzled old police officer trapped in a dog's body.
  13. SaltPeanuts

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Man wants to return gas that he's already pumped into the tank of his truck. or Man fears premium gas will RUIN his truck
  14. SaltPeanuts

    EPISODE 234 — Weedies

    gay chartist reporting in.
  15. SaltPeanuts

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    It wasn't her fault! The devil made her do it! http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/05/10/apologetic-georgia-principal-blames-the-devil-for-racist-remark-at-graduation-ceremony/
  16. SaltPeanuts

    Summah Songs

    Warning: the following is an anti-summah song
  17. Jake Fogelnest does the best Michael Stipe voice!
  18. SaltPeanuts

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    Boy Scoutin' or Scoutin' Boys? Zing!
  19. SaltPeanuts

    Guest suggestions

    Musical Guest - Check out Mason Jennings. Singer / songwriter / a-guy-on-stage-alone-with-a-guitar kind of guy. Some songs are lighthearted and some very dark, but they're all story based. http://masonjennings.com/
  20. SaltPeanuts

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    He's such an agent of peace until she destroys his precious scooter! That bitch!
  21. SaltPeanuts

    EPISODE 230 — 29 Forever?

    Vitamin D deficiency is no joke. I had it too and was bummed there are no ribbons or 5Ks for Vitamin D deficiency awareness.
  22. SaltPeanuts

    16 Heaven Knows I'm Morrissey Now

    Speaking of cover bands, what do you think of https://thepizzaunderground.bandcamp.com/
  23. SaltPeanuts

    13 Going Hooray

    There is a small university in Sonoma County that is producing more and more SeaWolf cadets every year. I should know, I'm one of them. Computer Science 2007. https://www.facebook.com/sonomastateuniversity
  24. SaltPeanuts

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    I like his hype man getting the crowd pumped up at 1:12 . He (the security guard) doesn't like George Michael! Booooo!
  25. SaltPeanuts

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    My name is Carla! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx7WvFwGBC4