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Posts posted by SalmonLikeTHeFish

  1. It sounds like a lot of the business side of podcasts is about numbers, streams, unique visitors, etc. But the type of programming Earwolf creates doesn't seem like it's designed for grabbing huge numbers. I mean, I'm sure getting a ton of listens is the goal, but the content is pretty much based on a host who is genuinely invested in what they're talking about and the listeners slowly grow over time. I think this is why most podcasts have such dedicated listeners and a steady base of fans. The Wolf Den often brings up the future of podcasting, specifically the tech side and I keep trying to picture where it will be in five years. It was only one year since the last Alex Blumberg interview and a lot has happened! Going back to the numbers thing, if podcasting is an evolving and increasingly lucrative business, what is stopping a complete cash grab podcast? Or the equivalent of a reality tv show with low production costs and high returns. Is there even an equivalent of that in podcasts?

  2. It was interesting to hear Adam and Lex bring to light this seemingly wild west frontier in such a transparent manner. It’s good to hear that Earwolf has always been adept to growth in a maturing industry with such sincerity. I’ve been listening to this show for a while and am surprised that most earwolf fans aren’t hooked. (Hollywood Handbook rules too so go ahead and let them take that prime second lowest spot in the ratings).

    I don’t know of many podcasts about podcasting but they intrigue me. We’re constantly inundated with opportunities to fulfill aspirational intentions by filling our netflix queue with documentaries, getting rosetta stone to learn languages, watching TEDtalks, and taking free online college level courses; the list goes on and on. I enjoy this podcast because it brings those ambitious obligations down to earth without any guilt and makes it very entertaining and enjoyable. As a musician and frequent terrestrial radio listener, it’s fascinating to witness this sea change in audio broadcasting. And to also hear that part of the team is based in New Jersey! I’m from Philly so that really brought it close to home for me. Every time I listen I feel an urge to somehow jump in and be part of the Earwolf crew - and that is why you have this very dedicated listener.

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