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Entering the Bone Zone

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Posts posted by Entering the Bone Zone

  1. Top five most sinking feelings of all time...


    1-5 (tie): Firing up AVTAK on Netflix and immediately noticing the running time of TWO HOURS AND ELEVEN MINUTES.


    Probably my favorite episode of HDTGM ever. Hot crowd, funny guests, the whole posse was together, and the most needlessly convoluted and bonkers bad guy plot of all time. Five stars.

  2. Of course the science was completely bogus, but I think with a movie like this you kind of have to just go with everything relating to the premise. I was more annoyed by everything involving Geoffrey's lab and his relationship with Stephen Root(!); it just made no sense and had no basis in reality whatsoever.


    It was also a story thread that had no real payoff. Why did we even need Stephen Root's character at all?

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  3. I am also obsessed with the choice to film multiple close-up shots of unshaven lady-thighs during the sexy sex scene. I really hope this is brought up.


    So that is what I saw? I thought maybe, somehow, some way, Allan's chest hair was creeping into the shot. I am not sure if this increases or decreases my enjoyment of the movie.

  4. Random observation: So a Casablanca movie poster on Allan's wall appears on screen about two dozen times during this movie. How many other Casablanca references have their been in past HDTGM movies? Obviously there were quite a few in The Glimmer Man, but have other creators of shitty movies tried to make their movie better by including some allusion to this classic film?


    Above Allan's kitchen table was the word "DINNER" in enormous letters. Was this poster a reference to a classic film that I missed, or was that just to remind the audience where food consumption took place in Allan's home?

  5. Maybe it was the Daily's frozen hurricanes I was enjoying, but for about 3/4 of the movie I kept saying to myself, "this really isn't THAT bad." It didn't feel as outright HDTGM-y as most of the other films in the canon.


    Jimmy James from Newsradio playing the classic "evil faculty head at a research university" archetype! Ira from Mad About You as the addict/researcher/scoundrel-but-in-a-loveable-way best friend! Granted, that particularly D storyline was not resolved at all.

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    Satan Zuckerberg is supposed to be filthy rich, right? He has his own jet and takes off to Paris whenever. When he goes to his garage, there is room for exactly two cars in there: the red Lamborghini (?) and the white Bentley (?). (I probably don't have those right, I'm not a car person.) When he uses the garage door opener and Judith is standing outside, that garage door doesn't even look like it's big enough to get both of those cars in or out. I half expected to see a cheap metal rack with totes full of Christmas lights and ornaments next to a stacking washer and dryer given the layout of that garage.


    Totally noticed this, too. He had a Ferrari, a Rolls Royce, and a presumably expensive motorcycle parked perpendicular to one another in the world's smallest rich man garage.

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    At the same time, I can't think of a weirder set of responses for people to have to each other than these characters did. Harley is clearly a sociopath/psychopath and is completely inappropriate toward Judith from minute one. I snorted so hard when he said "Are you getting turned on right now?" that I almost had an aneurysm.



    Samesies. Her "attraction" to Harley was based on little more than him repeatedly telling her how hot he thought she was, and how because of her hotness he would put her on a pedestal. Then she would say she was married and he would basically say he didn't give a shit. And the attraction was conveyed with blank stares and FULL BEATS between every line of dialogue. Why were all the scenes so long? At one point I literally (h/t Zouks) got up to take a deuce when Judith and Harley were staying at work late, returned a few minutes later, and found that the conversation was STILL HAPPENING.

  8. 1) Am I the only one who found it utterly bizarre that a professional therapist/counselor (presumably someone with a calm disposition, taught to temper reaction and emotion) absolutely loses her mind for two solid minutes because some "street toughs" catcall her? The reaction was so disproportionate to the scene and to what they were trying to establish about Judith. From that point on I had no choice but to view her as a sociopath.


    2) The entire setup to get Judith and Satan Zuckerberg together made little sense to me from a story building standpoint. It was not clear why a dating service for rich people would feel the need to staff a full time therapist. Writing questionnaires is one thing, but do you really need a Master's Degree in counseling for that job? And even if you wanted one, wouldn't it have been obvious to Cajun Vanessa Williams (I thought the accent vacillated between French, Caribbean, and Creole magnificently) that this person was not a good fit for your business?

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