A popular 80s movie with Michael Pare, who must of had pictures of execs with farm animals for the number of times he was being force fed down our cinematic throats. Nevertheless, a cast that also includes Diane Lane, Rick Moranis and Willem Dafoe!!! While the underlying story is a jumbled mess of confusing subplots, trying to figure out the era that this should be set is off the charts nuts! Although it's fun keeping your eyes on the extras and smaller bit actors to ID a number of actors that went on to bigger careers. It's hard to acknowledge this pile of stank being their launching point but its still great seeing (SPOILER ALERT) Ed Begley Jr in low budget "dirty face" for 30-45 seconds of screen time! Guilty pleasure movie for sure, I've seen it about a half dozen times and still feel totally lost on what the F*** is going on? Maybe just a result of the times when studios began to worry more about music videos, than quality scripts. Enjoy!