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Posts posted by watchayakan

  1. I have a dream that Sean and Hayes will one day live in a nation where they will be judged by the quality of their comedy and not by the the content of their characters.


    But really, I've started to hear this criticism of the show a lot lately and it's very confusing. Beneath the thin veil of sarcasm, the show is very clearly 100% playful, 0% mean. I rarely read/hear people lay this kind of thing on i4h, which, while great, is unabashedly mean spirited and judgmental at times... even outside the realm of comedy. Do people genuinely not get that Sean and Hayes are making fun of themselves more than they are anyone else?

    Isn't that half of what you hear about Case Closed though? Personally I like Matt's passionate hate. He's fun to listen to but I am glad S+H aren't like that. I really feel like we could be buds if I were a big Hollywood producer.

  2. Really good episode, PFT was smart and nice and funny unlike Engineer Cody Sam who tried to ruin their whole friendship dynamic.


    Also, all of you missed out on a SUPER awesome pro version this week, an exclusive clip from a previous episode of Liev Shreiber describing some onset drama of the hit drama Ray Donovan which I was able to get through an entire half season of. The only downside is S+H mispronounced my username but I'm sure they'll get it in the future.

    • Like 6

  3. Two questions:

    1. What would all of you want for your birthday if your birthday were coming up soon?

    2. What have you listened to or watched today? (This question is inspired by Andrew)

    1. A vanity plate having to do with Spider-man.

    2. A couple episodes of CBB. Right now I'm paused in the middle of episode 12 with Jon Hamm in my car. As of this moment, I am watching the Hellfish episode of The Simpsons.

  4. So what you're saying, Joe, is it was the Golden Globes? When I watched it last year the only good part was Tina and Amy banter.


    Go Thunderbirds! (While we're on the subject of the WHL)


    Also, did they name the Regina Rough Riders as a joke or just lack of self-awareness? It's Saskatchewan so I feel as though either could be at play. For those who don't know Regina is pronounced like "vagina" if the v were replaced with an r.

    Ottawa was Rough Riders we're Roughriders. GAWD. And as Mick Jagger said, Regina rhymes with fun.

    • Like 1

  5. Oooooh, BRRII, what pet names does nanbot call you? Actually, this goes for everyone: What do your parents call you?


    My dad and sister call me Pooh (short for pooh bear). When said aloud it sounds like they're calling me a piece of shit. I've had this pet name as long as I can remember. My mom calls me Anastasia because she is a stern serious woman.

    When I was a kid my dad would always call me Gomer Pyle. I didn't know this was from Hogan's Heroes so when I watched Full Metal Jacket with some friends I was pretty much shattered that he thought of my as severe mental illness fatso who would grow up to be a NY detective.

    • Like 2

  6. This was a really, really cool episode. I discovered longform improv through this podcast, and since we don't really have that here in ol' c-bus ohio I've really only heard the LA improvisers featured on this show. It was neat to hear this team from another country, who had a totally different sensibility (they actually reminded me of Superego a little).

    I was also amused at how the token canadian politeness even made its way into the scenework (Instead of just saying "We cut to..." they would say "Can we cut to?"

    I found the mention of poutine surprising on American media.

    • Like 2



    One time Sean and Hayes said that I was actually a person they made up.


    So that's a thing that happened one time.


    Also, as much as I hate nerds, you nerds are pretty cool. Those nerds over on Reddit really grind my gears though. All of them. In fact, anyone who routinely uses Reddit that does not also contribute to this forum is a worthless pile of garbage.


    Glad I got that off my chest.



    Before I started posting I thought that you were actually a joke account from S+H. I'm still not entirely convinced you're not tbh...

    • Like 3


    Nice. I give one point to greggy and 1 point to Anastasia Vigo Mortensen. And half of my remaining point goes to be split evenly among all those who have zero points. So probably everyone has at least like 2/100ths of a point. And we're all up on The Hoillywood Handbook End of the Year Big Points Leader-board!


    Dreidel = 26 points

    Joe McGurl = 24 points

    Veebs = 4 points

    greggy = 1 point

    Anastasia Vigo = 1 point

    Charlie Murphy-Browns = 1/2 point

    Everyone else .02% of a point

    Tim = -99.98 points

    Awwww thanks. The best xmas gift I've received yet.
