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Posts posted by watchayakan

  1. Here is link to my music recommendation list which I put out a few times a year... http://www.mattbesser.com/?page_id=19

    Tomorrow we have a really special episode of i4h that I hope you guys plug to people who like this singer/songwriter kind of music.

    And of course on Saturday we are doing a live i4h at the UCBsunset.

    Matt, every episode of i$h is very special. I only discovered this podcast (and long form improv in general) earlier this year and I am already part way through my second listening of all the episodes.

    • Like 3

  2. Thanks, Jacob. Where I live pretty much everyone lives modern country and we have a huge festival in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere where thousands of people come to get fucked up and listen to country music. I hate country music - the only country I've been able to like is Johnny Cash because who doesn't like Johnny Cash? But the alt country bands he has are decent.

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  3. I missed that. I was mistaking it for the step-dads thing from this thread that we are doing right now. I fucked up again, I don't know all the inside jokes yet, and now I feel like a big stupid idiot. I have a dad AND a step-dad, and now I'm wondering if I should post a pic of the two of them together because they were best friends in college. Maybe that would make up for this huge blunder.

    I feel like we are owed an interesting story!

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  4. Β 

    It is a running joke between my students and me that I live at school. I do have a house though outside of school.


    I tried to ride a dirt bike once when I was about 13 and fucked up my leg (hey look-a traumatic experience growing up!) so a Harley is not for me. My car is not a sports car, but it IS pretty fast and badass and cool

    I once did a sleepover at school to fight racism (I don't understand either) and it wasn't too bad.


    Hey, I once rode with someone on a dirtbike when I was like seven and made the mistake of wearing shorts. On my one leg there were two spots the size of a handbook where my skin was burned off partially. /traumatic story

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  5. wow I went away for two days and you guys added 4 pages of comments. Peeps been busy. I like the discussion questions, but I dont really have anything to add. I am a teacher so I dont have time for "projects" of my own really, except for in summer when the only project Im really that interested is sitting in the sun and drinking beer. Im amazed at some of the cool shit people on this forum can do though.


    So in summary I have nothing to add

    Is it true that teachers live at the school?


    My fourth grade teacher had a Harley and a sports car. You?

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