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Posts posted by watchayakan

  1. Are you enjoying being willfully obtuse? Matt and Gemberling (or "the fat guy," as you prefer to call him) were pointing out the ludicrousness of the Yo! Is This Racist guest claiming the midwest to be comprised entirely of backwoods hicks, while pretending NY/LA were some kind of bastions of progressive thought, free from any racism.


    But yeah, your version sounds cool too.

    That was their Yo, is "Yo, is this Racist?" Racist? bonus episode right? If so I remember them making a valid point but not going overboard.

  2. I think Allison toppled Ben Lee as my favourite musical guest.


    Also, while I do like the musical episodes, the people who insult the people who express their dislike for musical guests are worse? Why can't this just be a place to discuss your thoughts on the show? Don't attack people for their opinions unless they are doing so like an asshole. We all know this is free but that doesn't mean we have to just like everything.


    Also, sometimes fast forwarding is not an option. I usually listen to i4h while driving through my iPod, so fast forwarding would require me to scan through the episode, which is very inaccurate, while going down the highway.

    • Like 1

  3. Yeah right, Veebs, you can slit Rod Aug's throat all you want but you wouldn't dare watch Birdman without me!


    hahah good joke, you know that's our thing and I don't even care if Staz loses dem bangz, Birdman is us. Bridman is forever. We are Birdman and you wouldn't dream of it

    I like attornys-at-law as much as the next guy, but Boyhood is a better feelm.

    • Like 4

  4. I don't know, it's a famously cantankerous and reclusive magazine. It was basically published once and never heard from again.

    Did you hear that later this year a sequel issue which no one asked for and which cannot possibly be favourably reviewed next to the classic original issue is coming out?


    Also, Catherine Keener. (I always mix her up with Mary Steenburgen.)

    • Like 2

  5. I have Monday night malaise. Is it because a new episode is coming out tomorrow and I can't wait for it? Maybe. Is it because I've been listening to Michael Caine clips all day and that guy makes depressing films? Possibly. Is it because I have a presentation tomorrow at work? No, I don't think so. It's most likely the first one.

    Anastasia, isn't it weird how in the Dark Knight trilogy Alfred looks the same in the flashbacks to Bruce's child as he does at the end of the last movie, which is a thirty year difference?

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