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About beersANDlaughsPODCAST

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  • Location
    at a bar.
  • Favorite Earwolf Podcast
    beer, laughing, spitting up beer from laughing, licking beer up after spitting it out.
  1. Represent! Those bozos.
  2. beersANDlaughsPODCAST

    Episode 65 — Dan Klein, Our Close Friend

    Well he is 5-8 (btw this is reddit username: jnobes7)
  3. beersANDlaughsPODCAST

    The B.S. Report with Bill Simmons

    Bill Simmons has been suspected of stealing content from other podcasts, in fact, I know for a FACT, he stole a segment from a basketball podcast I listen to, Bozos of Basketball. They had a segment where they did a scene from The Good Son, where you had to pick between two things, holding them both over a cliff and letting one go. The following week, Simmons played that EXACT same game...