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City Hunter

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May I humbly suggest that a future podcast be devoted to Jackie Chan's "City Hunter?" I can't recall where I read it, but Chan has tried to distance himself from the movie and if I recall correctly, there were rumors that he was coerced into doing the movie because the director, Wong Jing, had connections to the Triad. The movie is so ridiculous that it's actually really awesome, here is just a bit of the many wonders it has to offer:


1. Chan's character is hungry throughout the movie and actually attempts bite women at one point, hallucinating that their breasts and legs are hamburgers and chicken legs, respectively.

2. There is a large scale skateboard chase scene (I think that's an automatic marker for a terrible movie according to HDTGM, right?),

3. There is a no-racial-undertones-at-all fight between Chan and two tall black men, wherein Chan defeats them by copying Bruce Lee's moves against Kareem Abdul-Jabbar from Game of Death

4. Chan raises a young girl as a favor to a friend and is also contracted to find a missing girl, I believe she is supposed to be a teenager, and both become potential love interests.

5. Chan is electrocuted in an arcade and believes he's fighting as characters from Street Fighter II, one of them being Chun Lee.


To be honest, that list doesn't do the movie justice. You really have to watch it for yourself and you can quite easily, since it's up for free on youtube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhwBe6ZIq-U


Seriously, give the movie five minutes of your time and you'll understand.

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I'm a huge Jackie Chan fan, I've seen almost all of his films, and this is definitely one of my favorites. It's intentionally over the top, and based on a manga/anime, and you can really tell they tried to make it sorta like a live action cartoon. The choreography and action set-pieces are pretty great, and there are some genuinely funny bits in it. This movie is super dumb in lots of ways, and there are definitely lots of what-the-fuckworthy aspects to it, but it's totally worth it just for entertainment value.

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