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Not really a segment idea, but...

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For Paul etc.:


Hey guys, fantastic podcast and all that, I love it and you all.


I had to write in and say that I had never even seen or considered seeing a Fast and Furious franchise movie until I heard your clearly unfeigned excitement and enthusiasm about the films. So, this weekend, I rented Fast Five and.... I am a convert. Holy shit. If only I had seen it as it was meant to be seen... IMAX BABY! I'm at the theater ASAP for number 6. (And how great is Ludacris?)


Anyway, I realized that I have a new philosophy. It's based on "What Would Dom Do?" I just figure that any stressful situation in my life is never going to measure up to what Vin Diesel faces every 10 minutes in a FF movie. And he seems to come out pretty well. Sure, he never smiles... but that doesn't matter. You can tell the difference between his "pissed off" frowning, and his "pretty satisfied with how that just went down" frowning.


So I advance this idea to you. A biweekly (or weekly, depending on how much you want to waste time on it) affirmation, a simple bit of wisdom from the mouth of Dom himself, for the podcast. "What Would Dom Do."


I think it could be a true inspiration for a lot of people. And as you know... I ain't just joking. I am thinking of classic lines, obviously, like "I live my life a quarter mile at a time." "Running ain't freedom." "You can have any brew you want... as long as it's a Corona."


Or it could be wise words and strategies to be used in any situation, like saying "The deal changed." or, simply, "Family."


Just an idea. I am thinking of starting a blog about it anyway. More power to ya!

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