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Gymkata vs. Shaq-Fu

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Let's say that you take the two different JCVDs from Double Impact. One of them you train in Gymkata, the other you train in Shaq-fu; which one wins in a fight?

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Is it bad form to talk about the Q&A Questions? Because I could go on about how I think the Gymkata brother would be able to dodge Shaq-urikens all day, but the Shaq-Fu brother could inferno kick right through any gym equipment which would really put a limit on what the other one could do. It's too close to call

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Lando, you need to post this to @HDTGM or their Facebook, because this is a question that needs an answer.


I don't think they've been using forum Q&A posts for a while.

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I tweeted the link to this @ Paul, but I do know that he checks the Corrections and Omissions forum, so maybe he'll see this and answer the question.

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