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Jason's van clowns

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Listening to the old Cobra episode again, Jason's mention of childhood rumors about clowns driving around in vans to kidnap kids was definitely a thing.


Child-kidnapping van drivers is a long standing urban myth.







But especially the 80s, child endangerment hysteria was at an all time high. Satanists were everywhere: in your neighborhoods, in your daycares (McMartin preschool trial), in your Dungeons & Dragons. Every Halloween, Season of the Witch style psychopaths would be slipping cyanide and razorblades into trick or treat candy (remember parents and police told you to throw out all candy not totally sealed?).


And yes, kidnappers in vans would be on the prowl for kids like the candy guy in ChittyChittyBangBang. When I was a kid, the big rumor for our town in the mid to late 80s was "the man in the yellow van". Turned out to be bogus. I think some kid just heard van rumors and mixed it up with Curious George.


I have no clue how clowns entered the myth though. Dressing up as a clown is the worst thing possible for enticing kids.


Nobody likes clowns.

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I want someone at the live shows to dress up as a full on clown and beckon him to come with them... also hold a baby..Do it as creepy as possible.. Hell Paul arrange this to happen. Also get video..

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