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So, what's next?

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I feel like by the time we get to a new U2 album, we'll be saying it's been a while since the last U2 album! But there are clearly still topics to be covered, if we have any hopes of this truly being the encyclopedic compendium of all things U2.


In particular, I am wondering why Adam Scott Aukerman hasn't welcomed friend of Earwolf, the Vicar of Yanks, into the studio, to discuss "Cavity Search", his classic parody of U2's "Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me"!


They can get into the real important questions... when did Weird Al first hear of U2? What are the names of the band members? Does he love films? What's his fuckstyle (is it a parody of somebody else's fuckstyle)? I know I'm itching to learn the answers to these questions (and more?)

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