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Sleepaway Camp 2 & 3 on Netflix instant

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Only watched 2 so far.


Not sure if they'd make for a good episode. Whereas the first one was an (ineptly) ernest slasher movie, 2 is in this weird limbo between camp and ernest. Part of it tries to be Friday the 13th, part of it tries to be GORP. I actually burst out laughing at the "Look who's on TV!" line.


It also shows the killer from the very first scene, so there's no mystery. You can build an effective suspense movie where the audience knows the killer but the characters are clueless, but you have to structure it as an investigation of increasing risks, like The Omen. Sleepaway Camp just has the fully known killer walking around killing kids.


The good news? Outstanding tits, displayed often.

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Plus, the killer was played by Bruce Springsteen's younger sister (who also played a cheerleader in Fast Times at Ridgemont High).

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Okay, the first 60 seconds of Sleepaway Camp 3: a topless chick with "milk" and "shake" tattooed across each boob.


Shit's no joke.

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