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EPISODE 80 — Horrifying Things Implied By Famous Movies

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Think about every time a movie villain asks the hero something like, "you and what army?" You know what happens next: a door opens, a roof explodes, or the camera pushes out the window to show, you guessed it, our hero's army. Maybe it's the rest of the Avengers, maybe an actual army, or maybe just our hero's muscle.

It's a clever reveal in the moment, but think about it realistically. Does that mean if Tony Stark is chatting with Loki and that moment is about to happen, are the rest of the Avengers just hiding in a lobby somewhere waiting for their cue? Maybe they're in a broom closet, ears pressed to the door. What if no one asks, "you and what army?" Is there a contingency plan for dramatically revealing yourself?

Every movie is full of logic gaps like these where, for the sake of time or dramatic tension or comedy, the audience is spared the mundane or absurd reality of a situation. This week on the podcast, Jack O'Brien is joined by Cracked editors Jason Pargin (aka David Wong) and Tom Reimann to discuss 6 observational pet peeves that will change how you watch all movies.

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This really encapsulated everything I hate about our modern consumption of films. Breaking down fiction for years (decades!) afterwards to talk about how the stunts within couldn't really happen, or to dwell on what characters would look like going to the bathroom, is beyond unnecessary. We bemoan the constant remakes and sequels but what is the industry to do when all we do is debate and discuss the same tired stories for, forever.


Silly and unnecessary.

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May I direct you to this funny sketch of Ming the Merciless at home, on the old British show "Big Train"


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So I just listened to this episode and it has come up a couple times but Jason mentions how the walking dead doesn't follow it's own rules. He mentioned "how do they know to shoot them in the head?" and that you would think they are just sick instead of walking dead people. He proposes that the only solution to this would be that they already know what a zombie is from watching movies, but this is a basic issue answered in the show early on and repeatedly answered with every other group they meet that hasn't had the same experiences they have.


Daryl makes fun of them on the 2nd episode for shooting them in the chest and rick sees half a lady slowly crawling at him and realizes this cant be just a sick person. Hershel wanted to believe they are just sick and had to have his wife shot in the chest multiple times and continue after them without losing a step before he believed. They even had a scientist show them the brain activity of a zombie. It doesn't take an eagle eyed fanboy to notice these things. If you want to make a reference to something because it's popular at least have someone at your company actually watch it.


I do love this podcast but this is just something that bothered me a bit

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